509 results total, viewing 361 - 380
Every morning when I whirl my drug carousel to grab my daily batch of pellets that keep me alive (just barely), I thank the good Lord for populating the world with medical scientists who came up with … more
As your state representative it is my belief that you, the people of western Wisconsin, not Madison bureaucrats, know best how to spend your money. That is why one of my top legislative goals has … more
Now that all my kids are in middle and high school, I feel like I need to learn a new version of the English language. Good thing I’m a grammar geek. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in French … more
You can feel the history as you cross Death’s Door across the turbulent currents of Lake Michigan from the mainland tip of Door County to Washington Island. The six-mile crossing was … more
In order to maintain and continue to advance our tradition of educational excellence, we need your help. In mid-September, we will mail all district residents a survey with questions related to an … more
The new biennium state budget was completed after school was released for the summer. Public school leaders anticipated that the state’s $7 billion surplus (which existed in part due to the … more
I don’t know if it’s just a universal feeling, but for me looking back on 20-plus years of teaching, the memories of it aren’t always that great. I remember boring kids to death … more
As I traveled throughout the 93 rd  Assembly District this spring and summer talking to residents about what issues were important to them for the state budget, overwhelmingly fixing our roads … more
For Americans, Labor Day has come to signify the end of summer, but the Labor Day holiday is meant to honor and recognize the essential role workers have played in our nation’s history. … more
One of my mother’s greatest talents is citing lines from her favorite TV shows, even if they first aired 40+ years ago. Growing up, it was something I hated. She could remember the plot lines … more
The Beautiful Wife and yours truly are back home in good old River Falls, after a punishing pilgrimage to Branson, Mo. Once a hick town in the Ozarks, it now booms with activity and keeps its 10,000 … more
Supporting our community schools has always been one of my top goals since being elected, and the budget that was enacted this summer maintains that priority. Given this, I was pleased to vote … more
A call for a special session is a constitutional privilege of the governor, invoked when the legislature fails to address an urgent priority. Last week, Gov. Tony Evers called a special session for … more
Most of the time, I think I’m a pretty good mother. At least, I try my hardest. I give it my all. But some days it feels as if I can do nothing right. This weekend was an entire weekend of that … more
It’s a question that goes to the heart of the American experiment: Is this a republic or a democracy? Founder Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote comes to mind. While exiting the … more
An early morning of fog and mist greeted me as I slipped out the back door. The Driftless Area is especially magical this time of year with our foggy mornings. It’s caused by cooler … more
The lack of workers in our region well known. As I tour the 93rd Assembly District and speak with local manufacturers, farmers, restaurant workers, and business owners, one thing becomes … more
With over three years between us and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s hard to imagine a world in which vaccines are uncontroversial. In the past few years, the efficacy of vaccines has … more
There has been some sort of vegetable garden on our farm for nearly 100 years, dating back to my great grandparents. I’ve been told that my great grandmother Hilda Hardie was fond of … more
I’m sick and tired of people complaining, so I’m calling them out. I like Facebook because it allows me to keep up with goings-on of family and friends. I like the community pages, … more
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