Clifton Township will have new town chair, 1 new supervisor

Compiled by Sarah Nigbor
Posted 3/29/23

For the first time in 50 years, Chair LeRoy Peterson* will not be on the ballot, though a familiar face is on the ballot to fill the position. All candidates are running unopposed.

Joseph J. …

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Clifton Township will have new town chair, 1 new supervisor


For the first time in 50 years, Chair LeRoy Peterson* will not be on the ballot, though a familiar face is on the ballot to fill the position. All candidates are running unopposed.

Joseph J. Rohl

Occupation: Refinery Operations - operator / small farmer

Position for which you are running: Chair

Previous elected positions: Supervisor #2 – Clifton: 2013 – present, Clifton Planning commission member, appointed representative to Prescott Fire and EMS Association, Treasurer – Clifton: 2000 – 2005, Pierce County Board of Supervisors:1990-1995 - committee assignments included Land Management and Highway committees

Community/civic activities: My family is involved with Pierce County 4H. I am a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Prescott.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Infrastructure maintenance and repair – roads will continue to be the greatest financial struggle to keep up with. 36.9 miles of road in Clifton need continual surface maintenance and about every 40–50 years they require reconstruction. Our board has historically done a good job keeping up with this; however, the economics of keeping up with this in a levy cap environment is increasingly challenging in a high inflation environment.

Land use and review of the comprehensive land use plan are a high priority. Clifton was one of the first Pierce County towns to have zoning ordinances in the early 1970’s. In 1998 the first comprehensive land use plan was adopted. Our current Comprehensive Plan expires in 2030; we will begin the review process of the plan later this year. We will continue to work with Pierce County Land Management to provide resident input into the zoning process that protects the quality of life for our residents and respects landowner rights.

Public safety continues to be a top priority of the Town of Clifton. Two fire departments (River Falls – northern 60% of Clifton) and (Prescott – southern 40% of Clifton) provide fire protection and response to our area. Allina has a contract to provide EMS response to all of Clifton with special provisions and assessments for the southern 40% of Clifton. Keeping our volunteer fire departments properly trained and equipped is expensive but very necessary. We will continue to do what it takes to provide money to these entities that respond to our bad days.

Broadband – Clifton is a broadband friendly municipality. Our current policies are to help promote development of broadband infrastructure by not requiring permits in road right of way. We have a good working relationship with Northfield Wifi. They currently have a tower at our town hall, and many transponders throughout the area providing line of sight internet. Additionally, we were approached in 2022 by Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services to commit ARPA funds that we had received to provide local matching funds for broadband grants that they were applying for to provide fiber optic internet to all of Clifton. Our board approved $220,000 local matching to PPCS / Swift Current. They received the grants and installation is underway. Installation in Clifton is underway with projected completion by the end of 2024. It is our hope that this project will help residents with few broadband options get high quality and affordable internet.

What are the strengths of the township? Clifton is in a strong financial position with currently no debt. Fiduciary responsibility has existed here for decades. Our comprehensive land use planning has served us well and our relationship with Pierce County Land Management has helped us maintain the rural character and beauty of Clifton.

Why should people vote for you? I respect your property rights. Our comprehensive plan and zoning rules support “right to farm” and “right to reside” rules and policies. We have a number of light industrial and commercial businesses in Clifton. The last 30 years have proven to me that we can allow people to use their property and still preserve the character of Clifton, keeping it a desirable place to live and raise a family. I will do the best that I can to continue that tradition. I respect your income. Your property includes the income that you use to pay taxes. Clifton is likely the smallest portion of your property tax bill, my goal is to keep it that way. However, if needed I am not afraid to support a levy increased for true business needs that are a necessity to our citizens. As Clifton’s treasurer years ago, I became very aware of the struggles many people face to pay their taxes, especially fixed income people. Our board must be committed to spending your money wisely. I am deeply committed to listening to everyone’s point of view. I will always do my best to consider all points of view before formulating solutions to opportunities. We are all taxpayers and residents with much more in common than we sometimes realize. I will follow through on looking into issues and provide all with the best information possible.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I was born and raised in Clifton, thus I have lived here for 53 years. My favorite part of living in Clifton is the panoramic scenery and rural character. Rolling hills, cropland, woods, streams, bluff land with barns and homes spread out across a unique landscape. I greatly appreciate the beauty of Clifton and the planning that has preserved the character. Additionally, I appreciate how close we are to high quality health care, education, and employment opportunities. Western Wisconsin in general is a great place to live and raise kids.

John Rohl*

Position: Supervisor 1

Jim Ashbach

Occupation: Construction project executive

Position: Supervisor 2

Previous elected positions: Pierce County Board supervisor

Community/civic activities: Pierce County District 11 Supervisor, Ezekiel Lutheran Church (current president)

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? For us, trying to keep up on road maintenance.

What are the strengths of the township? Lower taxes through good management practices. We are able to keep taxes reasonable in the township.

Why should people vote for you? Because of my experience being on the planning commission. Being the county board supervisor, I do attend most town board meetings when I’m able, so I have a pretty good working knowledge of what’s going on with the township right now.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I have lived there about 12 years. My favorite part is the rural setting that is still close to River Falls.

Kris Johnson*

Position: Clerk/treasurer

April 2023 election, Town of Clifton, Pierce County, Wisconsin