Meet the candidates for El Paso Town Board

Compiled by Sarah Nigbor
Posted 3/29/23

El Paso Town Board incumbents are all running unopposed this election. See what some of them had to say. 

Ronald Kannel*

Position: Town chair

Daniel B. Fischer*

Position: …

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Meet the candidates for El Paso Town Board


El Paso Town Board incumbents are all running unopposed this election. See what some of them had to say. 

Ronald Kannel*

Position: Town chair

Daniel B. Fischer*

Position: Supervisor 1

Ronald F. Foley*

Occupation: Retired owner of Ron's Service (auto repair)

Position for which you are running: Supervisor 2, Town of El Paso

Previous elected positions: Director, Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services Director, Dairyland Power Cooperative Supervisor, Town of El Paso

Community/civic activities: Founding member of the Ellsworth Wrestling Association. Have served on St. Francis Parish Council and currently on the Finance Council.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? The biggest challenge for the township today is to keep the roads well maintained while holding the burden on our residents down as much as possible.

What are the strengths of the township? I believe that the board members have been diligent in their fiscal management thereby being able to maintain good roads and bridges for all residents use now and in the future.

Why should people vote for you? I feel that the current members of our town board work very well together and it is a benefit for town residents for that to continue.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I have lived in the Town of El Paso most of my life. Mary and I have traveled much of the U.S. The best part of all that is coming home. Being at HOME in El Paso township is my favorite part of living here.

Sherri Heise*

Occupation: Semi-retired

Position for which you are running: Clerk

Previous elected positions: I am the incumbent. This would be my second full term as clerk.

Community/civic activities: Church, Chamber of Commerce, Order of Eastern Star

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Rapidly rising prices, especially on road projects.

What are the strengths of the township? It has been well run for a long time.

Why should people vote for you? I will do my best to maintain the high standards those who served before me have set.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I have lived in the Town of El Paso my entire life.

Debra Pittman*

Occupation: Retired

Position for which you are running: Treasurer

Previous elected positions: None

Community/civic activities: I’m an active member of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and have been treasurer for almost 20 years.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Our township faces the same struggles and obstacles as every township does. Trying to balance the budget while giving the community and taxpayers all that they deserve and expect. With increases in costs, estimates and infrastructure needs, the township has a tough balancing act. That's my initial observation, but I have only been acting treasurer for about five months. I think we are in the same boat as any acting board of any municipalities or township. Doing right by the taxpayers while doing the necessary things required of us is tough.

What are the strengths of the township? The strength of El Paso Township is the taxpayers. They are supportive and involved, like-minded and want what's best for the community. El Paso also has an experienced board, dedicated to the taxpayers, board members who have backgrounds and expertise in managing the budget. The board members are very hands-on, often overseeing road and bridge projects personally throughout the many stages of construction.

Why should people vote for you? I started this job in October and have been through my first tax season and I absolutely loved it. I enjoyed meeting and talking to some of the taxpayers / landowners. I look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? El Paso is a rural area with friendly, caring neighbors. My husband Ed and I have lived in the "Metropolis" of El Paso since 1984.

April 2023 election, El Paso Town Board, Pierce County, Wisconsin