Two compete for Isabelle supervisor seat

Two vie for town chair, but did not answer questionnaire

Compiled by Sarah Nigbor
Posted 3/29/23

Voters in Isabelle will see two candidates each for town chair and one supervisor seat on the Isabelle Town Board. Incumbent are marked with an asterisk.

Dennis Potts*

Position: Town chair

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Two compete for Isabelle supervisor seat

Two vie for town chair, but did not answer questionnaire


Voters in Isabelle will see two candidates each for town chair and one supervisor seat on the Isabelle Town Board. Incumbent are marked with an asterisk.

Dennis Potts*

Position: Town chair

Scott Nelson

Position: Town chair

Lynn Brown*

Occupation: Artist/homemaker

Position for which you are running: Isabelle Township Supervisor 1

Previous elected positions: Isabelle Township Supervisor 2021-2023

Community/civic activities: Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center board, Red Wing Arts board, Red Wing Public School Foundation board

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Maintaining roads and services in this inflationary period. All costs are up.

What are the strengths of the township? Good people. Beautiful area.

Why should people vote for you? I will try to the best of my ability to serve the people of Isabelle Township.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? My favorite part of living in this township is the close proximity to the Mississippi River. Living near agricultural, nature and wildlife are all things I also enjoy. I’ve resided here for the last nine years but been associated with this area for most of my adult life because my husband’s business, Brown Seed, is located here. I also lived in Isabelle in the early 80s and have spent many summers here in between.

John “Big Dog” Grabrick

Occupation: Engineering Supervisor/Inspector, retired

Position for which you are running: Town Supervisor 1

Previous elected positions: Red Wing Airport Board

Community/civic activities: CEO-Big Dog Daddy’s Charity, National Ski Patrol EMT, Boy Scout Leader, youth sports coach-Little Canada

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Keeping taxes low while providing services to the community.

What are the strengths of the township? We are unique in that we have an airport owned by Red Wing, Minn. in our township. Balancing that with the community around it will be a challenge in the future as the airport gets busier. Our residents are our biggest strength.

Why should people vote for you? I have worked in the public sector as a building official in Northfield, Minn. and Little falls, Minn. I was also zoning administrator in Little Falls. I know how to listen and work things through.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I love the area and the seasons. This is part of what made me fall in love with the area. I purchased my business and home in 2012 and together my wife and I have become part of the community.

L. Ronald Bartels*

Position: Supervisor 2

Julie Erickson*

Position: Clerk

Lora Henn*

Position: Treasurer

April 2023 election, Isabelle Town Board, Pierce County, Wisconsin