A Look Back

Posted 9/19/22

10 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL September 20, 2012 Pierce County jail needs to change By Louis Garcia Sheriu Nancy Hove doesn't pull any punches when she explains the shortcomings of the …

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A Look Back


10 years ago

PRESCOTT JOURNAL September 20, 2012

Pierce County jail needs to change

By Louis Garcia Sheriu Nancy Hove doesn't pull any punches when she explains the shortcomings of the county's jail and courthouse. In short: it's struggling.

"This building is nickel-and-diming us to death and is that something we want to invest in?" Hove asked an audience at a Kiwanis meeting in Prescott last week.

The Pierce County jail has a number of is – sues that the state would like to see rectified. Currently the jail holds 29 people, and there have been studies of what could be done with either a new building, or a remodel.

"Twenty nine sounds great, but with the new laws and regulations…dealing with dif – ferent types of people whether it be sexual preference, male or female, young, old, we have to separate all of them now," Hove said. "We can't put them al in one big room. Even with 29 beds (the jail) maybe can only hold 12." Police asking for help identifying bank robber.

The Prescott Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) re –

quest the assistance of the public in identi – fying the suspect in the robbery of the M & I Bank at 1049 Campbell Street at 12:21 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 7.

Chief of police Mike Bondarenko has released two sketches of the suspect as de – scribed by two eyewitnesses who saw him leave the bank on a dark-colored moun – tain-type bicycle at 12:42 p.m. The suspect was wearing a camouflage jacket and hood, a camouflage mask, sunglasses and dark pants. His is described as a male in his 20s, medium brown skin 5 feet 4 inches, to 5 feet 6 inch – es, 140 to 150 pounds, with three or four day growth of facial hair and blonde hair.

"We would like to speak with anyone who might have been in the vicinity of the bank before, during, or immediately after the rob –

bery who might have seen the suspect rid – ing his bicycle toward or away from M & I Bank," Bondarenko said.

Anyone who has information on this sus – pect is asked to contact chief Bondarenko at 715-262-5512. They can also contact any Prescott police ocer, or the Eau Claire FBI Oce. 25 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL “Where the St. Croix Meets the Mississippi” September 18, 1997 Intruder kicks in door of rural Prescott res idence By R. E. Herman Rural Prescott resident Hazel Lord had quite a start last Wednesday, September 10, when at about 10:15 a.m. she heard someone open the screen door and then kick in the front door of her residence.

In walked a male intruder who appeared surprised to see Hazel at home. His surprise was augmented by Hazel yelling at him.

"What are you doing in my house!" she screamed.

The intruder quickly ran from the house and fled the scene.

"There was no doubt that he was there to burglarize the house," said Lt. Mike Knoll of the Pierce County Sheriu's Department.

Hazel immediately called the police and within a few minutes four squad cars from the Sheriu's Oce and Prescott Police De – partment were on the scene.

"We were very close to him," said. Knoll. Hazel Lord was able to provide police with a good description of the intruder. He was described as a white male in his early 20s with dark curly hair, wearing a light or white short-sleeved shirt and dark colored trousers.

Anyone having any information on either the individual or the vehicle are asked to call the Pierce County Sheriu's Oce at 2735051.

40 years ago PIERCE COUNTY HERALD September 23, 1982 Calvary Covenant of Stockholm to hold missionary conference September 24 to 26. A 33-year-old Prescott man named Jack Siefert dies in a farm accident when a piece of sileage handling equipment falls on him.

Frontier Days Rodeo planned for UW-RF September 24 to 26.

The Eau Galle-Rush River Sportmans Club helps with DNR electro-shocking on the Rush River in August. The shock is meant to stun the fish and not harm them, the aquatic residents being netted, weighed, and measured before being released.

55 years ago RIVER FALLS JOURNAL September 28, 1967 State declines to force unwanted airport on River Falls, lawsuits likely to be dropped Two deaths reported in Pierce County car accidents, Mrs. George (Helen Amelia John –

son) Krebsbach, age 67, and Ernest Sand – strom Jr., age 22. The car accidents were two miles and three hours apart.

Krebsach is buried in Oakland Cemetery at Stockholm, while Sandstrom is buried in the Sabylund Cemetery, also at Stockholm.

70 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL September 25, 1952 The Prescott Cardinals defeat Tony 39 – 7 Women bowlers from Prescott make name for themselves at Ellsworth. June Brickner of the Corner Bar team bowled a three-game total of 535, while Betty Wolf took a three game score of 485, and Charlene Kleeman bowled 455. The team took two of three games against an Ellworth team.

September 18, 1952

The program and awards are sponsored by the Pierce County Farm organizations, DHIA, Breeders Cooperative, Dairy Plants, Civic clubs, and businessmen of the county.

An excellent program has been arranged for. Larry Haeg of radio station WCCO will be the speaker of the evening.

George Masters, publisher of the Prescott Journal, left Tuesday of this week for Hono – lulu, in the Territory of Hawaii. He will be guest of the Maison Steamship Line and will go to the Islands on the SS Lurline after fly – ing to San Francisco. He will make the return trip entirely by plane.

Mr. Masters is publicity director for North –

west Airlines.

127 years ago THE WEEKLY PRESS Maiden Rock, Wisconsin October 16, 1895 BRASINGTON Locals J. F. Taake called on J. H. Brasington Sun – day. He is at Ellsworth, with a car of horses, for sale.

Dr. Miller was in town Sunday. W. J. Mabin is erecting a shed for his fur – niture lumber.

F.T. Branagan and John Hager passed through town Sunday.

160 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL September 17, 1862 AN AFFECTING EPISODE-Just be – fore General Steven's death, his son and Aid, Hazard, on receiving a wound, exclaimed, "Father, I am wounded!" General Stevens re – plied, "Well son, I have no time to take care of you now," and turning to a soldier, said, "Corporal, see to my boy." In another moment the brave father was himself a corpse.

-When the secret history of this war shall be written, on the heart of two many will be sadness forever stamped.

Many a heart will sob and sigh.- For many a loved one, sad the story. He fought-he fell-alone did die- But what cares she for hollow glory? (unattributed) September 10, 1862


In the Hospital, at Baton Rouge, Aug. 6th, 1862 George T Randall, aged 24 years.

-Young Randall was a volunteer from River Falls. He was one of the first who en – listed in the Hudson City Guards and was an earnest, active soldier within four or five days of his death. He was a son of son of Thomas Randall, now a soldier in the 20th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers.

From a private letter recently received from Capt. R. P. Converse, Co. B., by his father, of this city, we learn the names of those of the Prescott Guards who were killed, wounded, and missing at the recent battles.

Killed-Robert Fulton, and Charles Bur – bank, of Eau Claire.

Wounded-John P. Hazar, James Tancks, James McEwen, George Cassidy, D. F. Jones, and Henry Smizer.

Missing-James Richardson.