Get to know the Town of Ellsworth candidates

Compiled by Sarah Nigbor
Posted 3/29/23

Voters will see incumbents running unopposed for Town of Ellsworth positions this election. Here's a chance to get to know the board. 

Roger Billeter*

Occupation : Retired

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Get to know the Town of Ellsworth candidates


Voters will see incumbents running unopposed for Town of Ellsworth positions this election. Here's a chance to get to know the board. 

Roger Billeter*

Occupation: Retired

Position for which you are running: Town chair

Previous elected positions: Town chair

Community/civic activities: None

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Lack of funding

What are the strengths of the township? Rural, farming community.

Why should people vote for you? I care about the people in the township.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? Rural setting; 65 years

Gordon Borner*

Occupation: Realtor and hobby farmer

Position for which you are running: Ellsworth Township Supervisor

Previous elected positions: Two terms on the Township Board

Community/civic activities: Formerly chairman on boards of the Pierce County Farm Bureau, PC Holstein Club and Zion Covenant Church.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Maintaining adequate funding for roads and bridges. Hiring of future township employees and staff. Planning for future building/shop needs of the township. Also the township must continue dialogue with the Village of Ellsworth to rectify concerns with the Village Extraterritorial zoning issues within the township.

What are the strengths of the township? The experience of our current township clerk, chairman and patrolman are invaluable. Also, former supervisors/chairman add a lot of valued experience. And because of them Ellsworth Township is in good shape both from an infrastructure and financial basis. The addition of fiber optic cable installed in the township by Pierce Pepin Cooperative is a huge plus for the residents in the past year.

Why should people vote for you? This will be my third term if re-elected. I certainly am more aware and able to work with the issues that have to be dealt with in the future with financially sound planning.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? My wife, Julie, and I have lived in the township for the past 23 years on a 20-acre hobby farm. This is a beautiful area with easy access to our families and surrounding towns. We have had good service from the township over the years. Our property borders two township roads - one is paved and the other is a crushed rock road that is a dead end. Our previous farm in El Paso Township was also on a dead end road - and we enjoy it.

Brad Ristow*

Occupation: VP Electric Operations, Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services

Position for which you are running: Supervisor

Previous elected positions: Incumbent

Community/civic activities: Ellsworth Ambulance operating committee, Village of Ellsworth plan commission, church boards and committees, Ellsworth basketball and baseball associations.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Funding for roads, condition of town garage and lack of a town hall. Maintain and fund the ambulance service. Working with the village to eliminate or rewrite the ETZ zoning ordinance. We currently have two residents denied buildings due to the ETZ ordinance on property which can support the buildings or at least a similar building.

What are the strengths of the township? Location. We are close to the village with major roads in all directions for commuters, primary ag land in the township. We should be able to maintain a balance between ag and residential.

Why should people vote for you? I am able and willing to make tough decisions for the township moving forward. We need good roads that are well maintained. We need excellent medical care with fire protection.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? We live close to the village on a small tract of land which gives us the space to plant trees, wild flowers for pollination. We also have the space to enjoy the outdoors.

Phyllis Beastrom*

Occupation: Retired; former county property lister and treasurer

Position for which you are running: Town clerk

Previous elected positions: Town clerk, county treasurer

Community/civic activities: American Legion Auxiliary, Ellsworth Senior Center and volunteer with Meals On Wheels, County Youth Government Day at the courthouse, Bethlehem and Eidsvold Lutheran Churches

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Lack of funding; lack of updated town facilities and ETZ issues with the Village of Ellsworth.

What are the strengths of the township? The Town of Ellsworth is centrally located in the county with access to major highways; its residents take pride in their community and are engaged when issues arise; its rural character is a definite strength.

Why should people vote for you? I've been clerk since 1983 and was deputy clerk for four years prior to that. I anticipate this will be my last term as clerk and I'd love to start training someone for the position. I've always been interested in local government and I've been privileged to serve the residents of this town and be a part of the board that provides for their well-being and safety.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I have enjoyed meeting and working with the residents in the Town of Ellsworth. I've lived here for 54 years and have been clerk for more than 40 of those years. I personally look forward to every election day and greeting the residents of the Town of Ellsworth as they come to exercise their right to vote.

Lisa Hines*

Occupation: I currently work for Securian as an information security senior analyst and I have been with the company for 40 years.

Position for which you are running: I am running for Town of Ellsworth treasurer.

Previous elected positions: I’m new to the Town of Ellsworth office. I was appointed last November when the treasurer at the time moved.

What are the strengths of the township? The current board is experienced and I value their knowledge.

Why should people vote for you? I am learning what the different roles are for the Town of Ellsworth and processed the 2022 real estate taxes which were due Jan. 31, 2023.

How long have you lived here? I have lived in Ellsworth my entire life and I am familiar with the community.



April 2023 election, Town of Ellsworth, Pierce County, Wisconsin