Meet Kyler Hinrichs, Salem Town Board candidate

Compiled by Sarah Nigbor
Posted 3/29/23

Salem Town Board members/incumbents are all running for their positions unopposed.

Brent Halverson*

Position: Chair

Barry Bunce*

Position: Supervisor

Kyler Hinrichs*

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Meet Kyler Hinrichs, Salem Town Board candidate


Salem Town Board members/incumbents are all running for their positions unopposed.

Brent Halverson*

Position: Chair

Barry Bunce*

Position: Supervisor

Kyler Hinrichs*

Position: Supervisor

Occupation: Farmer

Previous elected positions: Town supervisor

Community/civic activities: Marriage, men’s, and kids’ ministries within our church. Also served in 4-H.

What are the biggest challenges faced by the township? Funding to keep our roads safe and in good condition. Allowing farms and businesses to grow without harming the public.

What are the strengths of the township? Our township board, including our clerk and treasurer, is made up of strong and wise individuals that have the best interest in mind for our township. We have an amazing road maintenance person that helps keep our board informed of what should be addressed in the coming years. We are also a rural community that is still closely bonded together.

Why should people vote for you? I'm a member of the community who listens to people's concerns. I also enjoy solving puzzles whether that's finding ways to fix roads on small budgets or how to keep the roads clear of snow when the plow truck breaks down.

What is your favorite part of living in this township? How long have you lived here? I have lived in Salem township for 27 years. I love living in Salem township and raising my family on the bluffs of the Rush River Valley. While serving on this board it is my hope and goal to continue to build and keep our township strong for future generations.

Ann Larson-Graham*

Position: Clerk

Karee Schladweiler*

Position: Treasurer

April 2023 election, Salem Town Board, Pierce County Wisconsin