15 years ago
Sept. 4, 2008
Prescott celebrates Fiesta on the River
By Shalena A. Janis
After honoring 150 years last year, Prescott Daze is back for its …
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15 years ago
Sept. 4, 2008
Prescott celebrates Fiesta on the River
By Shalena A. Janis
After honoring 150 years last year, Prescott Daze is back for its 151st celebration, making a splash during this year’s theme of “Fiesta on the River.”..the annual event will boast a parade, street daze, water fight, car show, and fishing contest…New this year is Geocacheing Bash and a Salsa Contest.
Dental Clinic open in county
The Pierce County Public Health Department offers a preventive dental clinic twice a month for residents age 2-18. This preventive dental checkup may include a dental exam, cleaning, fluoride treatments, X-rays and sealants.
Medical Assistance (MA) will cover the cost of the dental appointment for eligible clients and those persons on Badger Care and Healthy Start…The dental clinic is located at the Public Health Department in Ellsworth.
Aug. 28, 2008
Heading to the polls for a primary election on Sept. 9, Prescott voters would choose between Rep. Kitty Rhoades and Bob Hughes for District 30. Hughes was reportedly disillusioned with the performance of the party that Rhoades belonged to and said that primaries were where people made their voice heard.
Down at the bottom of the front page, meanwhile, Russ and Sheri House and Kay Huppert had found the Prescott Medallion on Aug. 16. at 7:30 a.m. in Sunset Park, reportedly duct taped to a tree.
25 years ago
Aug. 27, 1998
“The only viable use of the property in my mind is a local version of Maiden Rock. It could become a Lovers and Lemmings Leap.”
—Council member Paul Montgomery on the city possibly turning the unopened portion of Ellen Street at the St. Croix River into a park.
50 years ago
Sept. 6, 1973
Making news at Ellsworth, the Lions had painted the Village Hockey rink board and sides, stored on the Albert Davidson farm. The hockey material had been purchased by the village in the prior season to get a hockey program started.
85 years ago
Sept. 1, 1938
In Civil Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp news from 1938, Joe O’Brien of the Delta camp in northern Wisconsin had been pitching camp baseball. Joe was the son of Mrs. Nellie O’Brien and was known as “Lefty O’Brien” to teammates. Back in his school days at River Falls he had been a left-handed pitcher regarded as an “ace moundsman.” The Delta CCC Camp had defeated Camp Smith 6-4 for the championship held at Cable.
Girl Scouts Camp at Amery, meanwhile, was reported a success “in every detail.”
130 years ago
Maiden Rock
Sept. 2, 1893
A perfect town, says an exchange, is that in which you see the farmer patronizes the home merchant, the merchants advertise in local newspapers, the laborers spend the money they earn with their own tradesmen, and all animated by a spirit that they will not purchase articles abroad if they can be purchased at home. The spirit of reciprocity between businessmen and laborers, farmers and manufacturers, results every time in making the town a satisfactory one to do business in.
Aug. 26, 1893
A puzzle to many ladies is how to keep their hair in curls on rainy days. The solution is easy. Ask J. E. Stevenson for Nonpareil Hair Curler and the puzzle will be solved.
Thos. Fleury, the St. Paul bank robber, was captured in Chicago, on Aug. 17, by Wm. A. Pinkerton, of Chicago and taken to St. Paul for trial.
155 years ago
Aug. 21, 1868
Obituary: George Howard on Aug. 16, only surviving child of George and Mary Pratt, aged a little more than two years.
The article on the Bible will be published on receipt of the author’s name. We do not publish anonymous articles.*
*Interestingly many old newspaper articles are without attribution, or have just initials.
Aug. 28, 1868
Report of the Pierce Co. Bible Society
The annual meeting of the Pierce County Bible Society was held in the Congregational Church in this city Sunday evening, Aug. 23, 1868.
The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and adopted, and the following officers were elected for the coming year.
Dr. A. Young, President; E. A. Wright, Vice President; H. M. McMurphey, Secretary; N. T. Porter, Treasurer. Committee, C. F. Warner, G. W. Wright, D. N. Taylor.
Addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Adams, of Chicago, Rev. Mr. Cochran, Rev. Mr. Cummings, and Rev. Mr. Reynolds, state agents of the society.
Monday, Aug. 24. The committee met at the office of D. N. Taylor, Rev. Mar. Marin, Chairman. The following local agents were appointed for the City of Prescott: 1st ward Mrs. C. F. Warner, 2nd ward, Mrs. Jas. Gunnn, and Miss Maria King. Big River District, Mrs. Thomas Morrow. Oak Grove, Miss Lizzie Stirrat.
After transacting other important business, on motion of Mr. Taylor, the meeting adjourned.