26 years ago PRESCOTT ….

Posted 1/31/22

26 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Jan. 11, 1996 Local officer engaged in fowl play by R. E. Herman Last Friday, the Prescott Police Department received a call reporting a Canadian goose by the Steamboat …

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26 years ago PRESCOTT ….


26 years ago

PRESCOTT JOURNAL Jan. 11, 1996 Local officer engaged in fowl play by R. E. Herman Last Friday, the Prescott Police Department received a call reporting a Canadian goose by the Steamboat Inn that had not moved from the same spot for over a day.

The caller asked to remain anonymous, possibly fearing repercussions from the flock (we all know what they can do to a sidewalk in only a few minutes) An officer was immediately dispatched to check upon the loitering goose in the high traffic, high profile location.

Upon arrival the officer discovered a Canadian honker suspiciously loitering near the restaurant seeking handouts from passerby.

As the officer approached, the goose sputtered and made threatening gestures, but changed his tune as the officer remained firm and told the loitering goose, “You’ve been here long enough and you better move on.”

After a brief standoff, the goose obliged the officer and fled to Minnesota before an arrest could be made.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this fowl fugitive is asked NOT to contact the police.

(Ed note: While we’re sure that the call came in out of a concern for the goose’s welfare, the circumstances and obvious potential for a cut story could not be passed by).

Planning commission ponders pole sheds, outbuildings and number of garage doors by R. E. Herman As a result of complaints about a pole building under construction and other comments, the planning commission held a discussion on detached structures during their regular meeting last week.

The commission acknowledged that at this time there was little that could be done to restrict the use of pole building construction within city limits.

“We had nothing in the ordinances that would prevent the issuing of that permit,” said Mayor Jim Richman, of the building in question being constructed in the 700 block of Kinnickinnic Street.

“It would seen that we ought to have some size restrictions, as well as on the number of buildings,” said commissioner Al Klein.

Zoning administrator Dave Hovel pointed out that the new city code, currently in the final revision stages, does address this problem, limiting residentially zoned property being defined by the largest building.

In addition, Hovel said that the new ordinances would limit outbuildings to 20 percent of the rear yard area or 30 percent of the total lot area, depending on the situation.

While reviewing the proposed code revisions, Hovel also mentioned that attached garages would be limited to three doors.

Commissioner Galen Siepel objected to the three door limit, asking what purpose it served.

Commissioner Mark Buechel felt that such a limit was a good idea, preventing garages from taking on a commercial appearance.

After additional discussion, the commission decided to recommend that the ordinance be worded to restrict attached or tuck under garages to three single doors or combination thereof.

The discussion then moved to building permits and what type of time limits might be reasonable for the length of the permit.

Currently there is a two-year life to a building permit. After this time the applicant must come back to city hall and purchase another permit.

St. Croix River News 40 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Jan. 14, 1982 New Plan for controlling St. Croix River use heard Licensing of persons operating pleasure watercraft and control of the use of the water surface were two major policy changes proposed by Minnesota representative Don Carlson as member of the Lower St. Croix Management Commission held a special meeting Thursday, Jan. 7 in Stillwater.

No licensure is required for pleasure boat operators at present, Water surface regulations consist of water skier regulations at certain times and places, and establishment of slow and no wake zones.

55 years ago

PIERCE COUNTY HERALD Jan. 12, 1967 “In olden days when one country overran another, they were called wars. Nowadays, they are called ‘current events.’ – John Maverick NEW LAW FIRM A new law partnership has been formed in Ellsworth, with impressive new offices in the Kennall building on North Chestnut Street.

Atty. John Oltman and Atty. Dale E. Jurgensen have offices which take up about half of the ground floor area of the building.

70 years ago THE RIVER FALLS JOURNAL Jan. 10, 1952 Division of Pierce County Tax Dollar There are four principal tax levying bodies under the Wisconsin system—the local unit of government, the school district, the county board, and the legislature. Approximately half of each dollar, 50.3 cents to be exact, goes to the school district. Next biggest portion, 33.8 cents of each tax dollar, goes to the county government. The city’s share is 15.2 cents, while the state gets .7 cents.

Council Grants Wage Boost Of 3.85 Per Cent to City Employees City employees will receive a 3.85 per cent salary increase beginning February 1. The pay boost comes as a result of action taken by the City Council Tuesday evening.

85 years ago ELLSWORTH RECORD Jan. 14, 1937 Mrs. Greene First to ‘Render Unto Caesar’ To Mrs. Clara Greene, village clerk of Ellsworth, goes the honor this year of being the first person to pay taxes. This distinction has gone to Jacob Knorth for ever so many years but due to illness Jake was unable to get down this year and perform this disagreeable duty. Although not the first, or the second, Jake was right up in the front row in spite of his handicap and was included in the first ten who settled with Village Treasurer C. A. Baarley for the privilege of residing in this community of happy homes and thrifty people.

Obit mentions: Nick Wirth and Norman Bartlett, formerly of Ellsworth; Eugene Savage of Red Wing; Mrs. Mary Tormey of Milwaukee, relative of Ellsworth residents 100 Years Ago PRESCOTT TRIBUNE Jan. 12, 1922 Twitchell—Murphy Word was received here this week that Miss Charlotte Twitchell and Allan Murphy were united in marriage at Minneapolis on December 31st, 1921. The bride who is a niece of Mr. M. T. Dill, is known to many in this city having been a frequent visitor here. She is a student of Southampton College, Northampton, Mass., and will graduate next June.

Mr. Murphy is a nephew of the celebrated Chicago surgeon, Dr. Murphy, who invented the “Murphy Button”; used in operations… He is a student at the Minnesota State “U” and will also graduate in June. The Tribune in common with their many other friends here extends congratulations.

Short brief: Mrs. G. E. Hollister was a city visitor between trains Tuesday.

115 years ago RIVER FALLS JOURNAL Jan. 10, 1907 Neighborhood News TRIMBELLE Mrs. Frank Russell of Prescott visited her daughter and family her last week.

Our tax roll is late in getting out this year, but treasurer Alfred Larson will begin the collection of taxes at Moeville on Friday of this week.

CLIFTON Our schools are running on full time with a good attendance. Taxes are coming in quite freely. The roll aggregates $5,065.12 FARGO School is in session again. Vernon Reynolds is down from Grantsburg again. DIAMOND BLUFF Geo. Boetzel is on the sick list. N. J. Larson and wife have la grippe (flu). ROCK ELM Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Lozier have twin girls, born Jan. 7. Wm. Rogers and Miss Dorothy Rogers of River Falls visited in town last week.

OLIVET Our school began Monday after a two week’s vacation. BIG RIVER Miss Carribelle Winn spent her vacation at home. Several of the people here took in the married people’s dance Wednesday night.

KORNA Emil Kordovsky is home from River Falls. The majority of our young people attended the New Year’s dance in Ellsworth.

140 years ago PIERCE COUNTY PLAINDEALER Prescott, Wisconsin Jan. 13, 1882 Forest House, Ellsworth, Wisconsin By John Beattie Good Stabling attached. The Forest House is located opposite the Court House, and offers good accommodations to the travelling public, and is very convenient during court time.

160 years ago THE PRESCOTT JOURNAL Jan. 15, 1862 —Last Monday was one of the coldest days of the season— 30 degrees below zero.

Extracts from Dr. Holland’s New Book, “Lessons in Life.” POWER OF THE WILL Children often rise in the morning in anything but an amiable frame of mind. Petulant, impatient, quarrelsome, they cannot be spoken to or touched without producing an explosion of ill-nature.