A Look Back

Posted 1/10/23

30 years ago THE HASTINGS STARGAZETTE January 7, 1993 Taking the front page for January 7 some 30 years ago, a story that annexation and development brought both costs and benefits to Hast- ings. The …

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A Look Back


30 years ago THE HASTINGS STARGAZETTE January 7, 1993

Taking the front page for January 7 some 30 years ago, a story that annexation and development brought both costs and benefits to Hast- ings. The observation was made as a 208-acre addition had reportedly been approved by the Minnesota Municipal Board.

Among those buildings to be built on the annexed land was a church, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s, which would be “significantly larger” than two current churches and allow for more worshippers to attend Mass at one time. Construction on the planned 1,500 capacity church was planned for spring.

In police news, meanwhile, the police department was bringing back bike patrol in spring, also hiring its first female officer in Valerie Langseth, a native of the Grand Rapids area. With hiring approved by a unanimous vote at the Hastings City Council meeting, police captain Nick Wasylik had nothing but praise for Langseth.

“It’s historic in the aspect that it’s our first female officer,” he was reported as saying at the time. “But she tested highest, and she’s highly qualified.” Once a male-dominated profession, things were changing in the law enforcement world, with women officers having become commonplace. “Our department is looking forward to having her,” Wasylik said of the new hire.

80 years ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE January 1, 1943

Obituaries: Sister M. Regina of the Notre Dame sisterhood. Otherwise known as Barbara Peine, daughter of the late Charles and Elizabeth Peine, pioneer settlers of New Trier. Burial in Notre Dame cemetery at Elm Grove, near sister’s hospital.

Mrs. James Quick, age 49 and a resident of 220 Washington Street, of an extended illness. Burial at Lakeside. Mrs. Katherine McCallum, age 83, after a week’s illness. Interment at Cottage Grove cemetery.

George Loesch, age 61 and a resident for 40 years, of a heart attack while working at the Lund ski factory. Survived by six brothers and two sisters, but never married. Burial in the church cemetery at St. John’s in Vermillion.

Melvin Gunter, age 14, of diabetes after a weeks’ hospital stay. The father Ralph Gunter had died December 5 from a heart ailment, com- pounding the tragedy. Interment for Melvin to be at Lakeside Cemetery. No Find A Grave entry found upon search.

104 years ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE January 5, 1918

The federal government has set aside $3,300,000 to be used in building twentyfour steel barges and four steel tow boats for the upper Mississippi River. They should be not over four feet draught in order to do business in low water

County Board Proceedings State of Minnesota County of Dakota, auditor’s office, December 13, 1917. Board convened this day pursuant to adjournment taken November 15, 1917. Present, Commissioners Ruh, Heinen, Moes, Downs, and Chairman Beerse.

The petition of Henry Wagner asking to be set off with the East ½ of the North East 1/4 of Section 26, Township 114, Range 18, Vermillion, from School District 89 to School District 34 was amended so as to read the South East ¼ of the North East ¼ of Sections 26, Township 114, Range 18, and on motion of Com. Ruh the petition as amended was granted and order for same issued.

A Business Meeting.

A get together meeting of the business men will be held at St. Boniface Hall at half past six p.m. Friday, at which all men engaged in business in the city are earnestly re- quested to be present. Arrangements have been made for speakers and F. M. McMahan, general secretary of the St. Paul Association of Commerce has consented to address the meeting.

145 years ago HASTINGS UNION January 3, 1877

Some business places and owners Hall’s Drug Store 210 Second Street, Hastings Henry W. Hall, druggist and apothecary Groceries and Provisions Eugene Dean, dealer in groceries and provisions Wines, Liquors, Roots, Shoes, &c Corner Second and Ver- million Streets, Hastings New Hardware Store A. I. Johnson Corner of Fourth and Vermillion Streets dealer in hardware, stoves, and tinware.
Job work solicited
All work warrantied, satisfaction guaranteed
The highest market price paid


August 6, 1857
The Charter of the City of Hastings
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota.

Chapter 1

Section 1. All that part of the county of Dakota contained within the limits and boundaries hereinafter described, shall be a city by the name of Hastings, and the people now inhabiting, and those who shall hereafter inhabit, within the district of country hereinafter described, shall be a municipal corporation by the name of the city of Hastings, and shall have the general powers possessed by municipal corporations at common law, and in addition hereto shall possess the powers hereinafter specifically granted, and the authorities thereof shall have perpetual succession, shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts of law and equity; and shall have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure.

Section 2. The territory in- cluded within the following boundaries and limits shall constitute the city of Hastings, viz: Section Twenty, Twenty Nine, Thirty Two, Thirty Three, Thirty Four, and Thirty Five, and fractional Sections Sixteen, Seventeen, Twenty One, Twenty Two,Twenty Three, Twenty Six, Twenty Seven, and Twenty Eight, all being in township one, number one hundred and fifteen, north of Range number Seventeen, west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, and in the aforesaid county of Dakota; and the jurisdiction of said city shall extend on the north front thereof descending, and the said city is hereby divided into three wards; the First Ward to comprise all the territory within the city limits east of a line drawn through the middle of Bailly Street, from the north to the south boundary of the city; the Second Ward to comprise all the territory west of the line of the First Ward, and east of a line drawn through the middle of Vermillion Street, from the north to the south boundary of the city; and the Third Ward to comprise all the territory within the city limits not included in the First and Second Wards.

At the first election held under this charter, the voters of the First Ward shall vote at the house of White on the School Square; those of the Second Ward at the Holmes House on the northwest corner of Ramsey and Second Streets; and those of the Third Ward at the District School House, but the City Council may change said place of holding election to any other convenient points in each Ward respectively.