A Look Back

Posted 1/3/23

21 Years Ago January 3, 2002 Hastings takes fourth in Wells Fargo Rotary Shootout for Hockey. A little newspaper history: Established in the Minnesota Territory, July 25, 1857, as the Hastings …

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A Look Back


21 Years Ago January 3, 2002

Hastings takes fourth in Wells Fargo Rotary Shootout for Hockey.

A little newspaper history: Established in the Minnesota Territory, July 25, 1857, as the Hastings Independent. In 1866, it merged with the Hastings Conserver (established 1861 as the Minnesota Conserver), to become the Hastings Gazette. On Jan. 2, 1981, The Hastings Gazette was purchased by the Hastings Star (established as the Mississippi Valley Star in 1969) to become the Hastings Star-Gazette.

41 Years Ago

January 7, 1982 City budget ends year in the black Short synopsis: Acting City Administrator Wally Erickeson had predicted “financial gloom” for more than one month, but the city nonetheless closed the year in the black. Delayed state aid was the cause for concern, but the city transferred funds from its 1967 interceptor sewer improvement bond to accomplish the feat.

In addition, many residents paid their assessments early rather than transfer these to the tax rolls. The police department budget received $90,226 out of $141,123.50transferred into

News from Across the River 101 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT TRIBUNE January 5, 1922 Robert MacMurphy Dead A. McMurphy of St. Paul was in this city last week visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Cotton. While at the office of the Tribune he stated that this brother Robert of Eugene, Oregon, passed away December 7th. He was on his way from Roseburg, Oregon to California in a car with his wife and two children at the time of his demise. His brother was born and raised in Prescott and went from

$125. Mar. 5.—The Rev. Dr. Merrick as rector of St. Luke’s Church.

Mar. 25.—School meeting at Teutonia Hall. The Rev. C. S. LeDuc elected director; Homer Hatch, clerk; John White, treasurer.

Apr. 2.—The ice went out of the river, and steamer G. H. Gray’s first trip up.

Apr. 9.—Charter election. Lovell’s majority over Thorne, for mayor, 14.

Apr. 15—First boat through the lake, the Burlington, of St. Louis.

Apr. 18.—Bachelder’s house burned. Oss $2,000. Insured for $1,700.

May 24.—A. M. Hayes appointed postmaster, vice W. H. Skinner, resigned.

May 28.—McHugh’s hardware store entered by burglars. Loss $300.

June 6—A boy named Herbert Greenslade drowned in the Vermillion while bathing.

June 12.—Capt. Webb, of the Itasca, presented with a silver pitcher and tray by the citizens of Hastings.

June 14.—The eighth annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this diocese met in St. Luke’s church.

July 1.—Match game at baseball between North Starr, of St. Paul, and Vermillion, of Hastings. Victory for the former

Gov. Marshall and the Hon. H. M. Rice.

Oct. 19.—Eclipse of the sun at 9 a.m.

Oct. 23.—Sale of school lands by the Hon. Chas. McElrath, auditor of state.

Nov. 7.—State election. Nov. 24.—Donation by the Rev. W. H. Humphrey. Net proceeds $244.56.

Dec. 1.—Close of navigation. The last boat down was the Annie Johnson.

Dec. 7.—Thanksgiving. Dec. 15.—Donation at Edison Hall for the Rev. J. M. Rogers.