Posted 10/24/22

70 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 23, 1952 Old Store Here to Close Soon Brendemuehl’s Grocery, perhaps the oldest store in Prescott, will close permanently at the conclusion of a sale which will …

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70 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 23, 1952 Old Store Here to Close Soon Brendemuehl’s Grocery, perhaps the oldest store in Prescott, will close permanently at the conclusion of a sale which will begin Friday. The store has been operated by the Brendemuehl family for decades and its origin goes back some eighty years or more.

Obituary: Miss Annie Cotter Dorcy of Mazeppa, Minn, was buried in the Catholic cemetery here last week. She lived in Maiden Rock years ago.

Repaired Bridge Escapes Disaster Prescott citizens were holding their collective breath Monday after a near disaster to the newly repaired interstate bridge here. They were awaiting the arrival of inspectors who would determine whether the middle span of the bridge would have to be repaired all over again (minor damage found).

115 years ago THE RIVER FALLS JOURNAL Oct. 24, 1907 California gold mine stock sale Exchequer Gold Mining Co.

A Mining Investment that diuers from the average. Your investment GUARANTEED by an industrial proposition as sure and safe as any in the world. Incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington with a capital of $1,500,000, par value $1.00 per share and non assessable. No preferred stock.

The stock of this company is held almost entirely by Minnesota people who invite a thorough investigation of the character of the men holding the controlling interest and representing the management. References will be gladly furnished on request.

The property of this company consists of twelve mining claims, (twenty acres each) located in Mariposa county, California, lying in a deep canyon, on both sides of the Merced river at its junction with Cotton creek. The Yosemite Valley R. R., connecting with the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific roads at Merced, thirty miles distant, crosses the property less than three hundred feet from the main tunnel. This road delivers all our freight at a low rate which materially aids in the Exchequer keeping down our operating expenses.

The main quartz vein, assaying from $7.50 to over $300 per ton, runs through Gwendolen, Exchequer, Trinidad, and Pueblo claims a distance of 6,000 feet and is from twelve to sixty feet in width and practically unlimited in depth, as one other mine on this same vein has attained a depth of 1,800 feet and the deeper they go the better the ore. This vein can be opened to a depth of 980 feet on the Exchequer property by tunnel work. The more expensing system of mining by sinking shafts, pumping water, and hoisting ore, will not be necessary on this property for a great many years…Only 30,000 shares of this stock will be sold at 25 cents….C. B. Harriman, Agent River Falls, Wisconsin.

(This is in fact a gold mine, which today is located near or under Lake McClure, the result of a manmade dam).

127 years ago THE WEEKLY PRESS Published at Maiden Rock Oct. 30, 1895 BRASINGTON Locals The vanyard of winter is fast approaching.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Truman spent Sunday in Maiden Rock.

Hans Hovde finished working for Martin Foley Thursday.

ROCK ELM Locals. Wm. Greer is having a well drilled.

Wm. Miles will move into his new house this week.

Many potatoes are left undug because they will not pay for digging.

Brasington school report School district No. 5; term ending Oct. 25, 1895.

Days taught: 40. Total enrollment 38. Average attendance 37 1/2. Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy are: John, Carrie, Annie and Maud Johnson; Emil and Alfred Larson; Minnie, Joe and Chas. Townsend; Alice Sterrett, Roy Peterson and Addie Howe.

G. E. Brasington, Teacher Brasington, Wis.

Oct. 30, 1895

A sad accident Clarence Drake, of Trenton, Wis., 28 years of age, was accidentally shot last Sunday, Oct. 15, near Hager, by Ernest Pumplin, a boy 14 years of age. They had been out hunting when it is supposed the gun was accidentally discharged while he was climbing a fence. The bullet entered the abdomen, and he lived but a short time.

Local and otherwise Nellie Warren has the whooping cough.

Get your Justice blanks at the Press Ovce.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Borst, Saturday evening, Oct. 19.

160 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 8, 1862 Elections and more amidst war There is some division of sentiment as to who should be candidates for county of- fices, but no division of sen timent in regard to the fact that George Newton does up the Boot, Shoe, and Harness business in good style. If anyone doubts it, let him call at his shop and examine for himself.

A paper at Bay City? We hear that A. C. Morton has started a paper at Bay City, which may perhaps be removed to the County Seat. Our informant said Mr. Morton informed him that his valedictory was already written. It is none too early.

At the capital: Fallen in Battle.—What Cato said above his boy fallen in battle may be said by thousands: Thanks to the gods! My boy has done his duty, Welcome my son! There set him down my friends, Full in my sight, that I may view at leisure the bloody corpse and count the glorious wounds.

How beautiful is death when earned by virtue! Who would not be that youth? What pity ‘tis that we can die but once to save our country! Why sits sadness on your brow, my friends? I should have blushed if Cato’s house had stood Secure, and flourished in a civil war!