Posted 10/3/22

10 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 4, 2012 Prescott Kiwanis Student of the Week is freshman Nadia DeVol. Nominated by civics teacher Ms. Erickson, DeVol was described as “positive and always ready …

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10 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 4, 2012 Prescott Kiwanis Student of the Week is freshman Nadia DeVol. Nominated by civics teacher Ms. Erickson, DeVol was described as “positive and always ready for class.” The Kiwanis met every Thursday at noon at the ambulance hall, with all being welcome.

Attempting to break the world record 10 years back on Oct. 6, Ptacek’s IGA was set to grill a 53-foot-long bratwurst to celebrate 100 years of service. A bun was to accompany the world record attempt, beating the then world record by six feet. Proceeds from the sale were to be donated to the Have-AHeart Foundation, with those wishing to see the record-setting bratwurst invited to festivities that began at 10 a.m. and ran through 4 p.m.

25 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL Oct. 2, 1997 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “The City agreed to sell the Heritage Center when it signed the agreement.”

City Attorney Donald Schwab on validity of city’s agreement to sell old city hall to the Welcome and Heritage Center Corporation Prescott lands Kasco Marine, Inc., moves into the old John Deere building on the corner of Canton and Deere Road.

40 years ago PIERCE COUNTY HERALD Oct. 7, 1982 Taking the first step in what was deemed a longrange plan some 40 years ago, the village of Ellsworth had just approved a proposal for “extraterritorial planning,” per the Herald.

Speaking for the village board, Jack Farrell explained that, “this is not annexation.

These boundaries are for zoning, period.”

The majority of the land would reportedly remain zoned agricultural while studies were done as to what might be suitable for industrial, commercial, and residential uses. “This will permit the village to plan properly,” Farrell explained.

“It isn’t something for today,” he said. “it’s something for the long range.”

Also up for notice from 1982, was a contest to name a new village park south of Summit Avenue. A prize of $50 was to be awarded to the person who could come up with the best name, while a fundraising rawe was to be conducted as well, with three main prizes.

Closing out the 40-year update with report of a visit for pre-homecoming vandalism, meanwhile, four Red Wing youths had been picked up and arrested by ovcer Greg Place, after Place had received a tip-ou to watch for vandalism near the foot- ball field. The extent of the damage wasn’t yet known, as the out-of-state visitors had dumped a form of grasskiller on the football field, and how much grass might die, was yet to be seen.