Accepting Most Admired Senior Citizen nominations

Posted 7/4/22

ELLSWORTH – Is there someone you know who is always helping in our Pierce County community, who is over 60 years young? Why not nominate them for the Most Admired Senior Citizen Award? The …

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Accepting Most Admired Senior Citizen nominations


ELLSWORTH – Is there someone you know who is always helping in our Pierce County community, who is over 60 years young? Why not nominate them for the Most Admired Senior Citizen Award? The award will be given at 10 a.m. Aug. 12 2022 at the Pierce County Fair.

Complete the Most Admired Senior Citizen Form available on our website at: https:// php under the Events & Entertainment tab; contact Pierce County Fair Manager Liz Dietsche at [email protected] or at 715-273-6874.

Anyone over 60 years old can win! This is an opportunity for deserving older adults in our community to receive recognition for the great service they share. Winners are selected for the current activities they are involved in, rather than past accomplishments.

Rules: 1. The decisions of the judges are final. 2. Person nominated must have reached age 60 by July 1, 2022 and be a resident of Pierce County.

3. The entrant must acknowledge nomination by signing the release form at the end of the application/entry form.

4. Application, photo and other information cannot be returned. A photo must be included.

5. This entry valid for 2022 only.

6. Please be sure that all pertinent information is included with this entry. Include any details that will help the judges in making their final decision. After the entry is received, the judges will be unable to accept any new information, so be sure no information is omitted.

7. Nomination deadline is July 12, 2022 (postmarked). Winners will be notified by letter.

8. Entry form can be obtained by calling the Fair Office at 715-273-6874 or visiting the Fair website at: https:// index.php and click on Most Admired Senior Citizen. Entry form should be completely filled out and must be ac companied by a photo of the entrant. Mail to: Pierce County Fair, Attn: Liz Dietsche, 364 N. Maple – Box 922, Ellsworth, WI 54011 Pierce County Fair will be held Aug. 11-14, 2022 with the theme “From Ferris Wheels to Tractor Wheels.”

Like us on Facebook at “Pierce County Fair and Fairground (WI)” or on Instagram at “piercecountyfairwi”.

Submitted by Pierce County Fair Manager Liz Dietsche