Accident Reports

Posted 11/29/21

PIERCE COUNTY Accident Reports Police responded to a one-vehicle crash at 7:05 a.m. Nov. 18 on US Highway 10 about eight-tenths of a mile north of Main Street Plum City/County Road U in the town of …

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Accident Reports


PIERCE COUNTY Accident Reports

Police responded to a one-vehicle crash at 7:05 a.m. Nov. 18 on US Highway 10 about eight-tenths of a mile north of Main Street Plum City/County Road U in the town of Union. A 1986 Chevrolet K10, driven by Payton Roger Kopp, 17, Maiden Rock, was heading eastbound on Highway 10, negotiating a curve. He lost control on the icy roadway and began to spin. In an attempt to stop spinning, Kopp overcorrected his steering, crossed the center line and hit the curb with the front end of the vehicle. It then bounced off the roadway and over turned, coming to rest on its side in the north ditch. A 14-year-old passenger from Maiden Rock, who wore no seat belt, was ejected through the side window. He had possible injuries but wasn’t transported by EMS. Kopp was not wearing a seat belt and reported suspected minor injuries. A second passenger, a 14-year-old Maiden Rock juvenile, wore a lap belt and reported suspected minor injuries. The vehicle had to be towed due to disabling damage.

Deputies responded to a two-vehicle crash at 3:09 p.m. Nov. 18 on Highway 72 just east of 290th Street in the town of El Paso between a 2003 Pirsch Peter and Son 379 truck tractor with semi attached, driven by Randall John Christiansen, 58, Hager City, and a 2006 Pontiac, driven by Hannah Jo Brookins, 21, Elmwood. Both vehicles were traveling westbound on Highway 72, with Brookins behind Christiansen and one other vehicle. Brookins attempted to pass the other vehicle and Christiansen’s semi, entered the opposite lane of traffic, hit the south shoulder, lost control and sideswiped the semi. Brookins vehicle then entered the south ditch where it came to rest. Christiansen came to stop on his own just west of 290th Street. Both drivers wore seat belts and reported no injuries. Brookins’ vehicle had to be towed due to disabling damage, while Christiansen’s semi had minor damage. Brookins was cited for operate without a valid license.

Brette Frances Huppert, 26, Ellsworth, struck a deer with a 2018 Ford Explorer/Pierce County squad at 9:26 p.m. Nov. 18 on Highway 35 just west of County Road VV in the town of Trenton. Huppert, who wore a seat belt, reported no injuries. The vehicle had functional damage.

Officers responded to a one-vehicle crash at 4 p.m. Nov. 19 on 950th Street a quarter-mile south of 910th Street in the town of River Falls. A 2007 Toyota Corolla, driven by Julius Andrew Woychik, 16, River Falls, was heading northbound on 950th Street. He began to negotiate a gradual left turn when the vehicle entered the east shoulder and began to lose control. It veered back across 950th Street and entered the west ditch/wooded embankment, where it stopped. The vehicle had to be towed due to disabling damage. Woychik, who wore a seat belt, reported no injuries. Four passengers, including Benjamin Thomas Esterby, 17, River Falls; two 15-year-old River Falls juveniles; and Will Maxwell Schartau, 16, Spring Valley, all wore seat belts and reported no injuries.