Benefit set Nov. 20 for John Ogilvie

Posted 11/7/22

PRESCOTT – A benefit will be held for 1989 Prescott High School alumnus John Ogilvie 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 at The Old Ptacek’s Event Center (1449 Orrin Road, Prescott). Ogilvie was diagnosed …

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Benefit set Nov. 20 for John Ogilvie


PRESCOTT – A benefit will be held for 1989 Prescott High School alumnus John Ogilvie 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 at The Old Ptacek’s Event Center (1449 Orrin Road, Prescott).

Ogilvie was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Multiphenotypic Sinonasal Carcinoma (small blue round cell tumor). Please join Ogilvie’s friends and family as they raise money to show him he is not alone. All proceeds will benefit Ogilvie’s medical expenses and lost income.

The benefit will feature an open bar, food, music, meat raffle and silent auction.

If you’d like to donate but cannot make the event, a donation account has been set up at First National Bank of River Falls (1151 Canton St., Prescott) under the name “Benefit for John Ogilvie.”

If you have questions, contact Karen Fleming at 651-338-2119.

Submitted by Ogilvie Family