Posted 5/17/22

CITY OF PRESCOTT MAY 9, 2022 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Prescott City Council was held on Monday, May 9, 2022 in the …

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CITY OF PRESCOTT MAY 9, 2022 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Prescott City Council was held on Monday, May 9, 2022 in the Prescott Municipal Building, 800 Borner St. Prescott, WI 54021 Call to order/Roll Call: Mayor Daugherty called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present were Rob Daugherty, Tom Oss, Pat Knox, Maureen Otwell and Dar Hintz. . Repre- ________________________________ Matt Wolf and City Clerk Jayne Brand.

Public Comments: None were given.

Motion to approve the consent agenda which included the Parks and Public Property Committee meting minutes for April 28, 2022, Regular City Council meeting minutes for April 25, 2022, Public Works Committee meeting minutes for April 25, 2022, cash balances/ budget year to date, payables/payroll, general fund budget comparison and capital fund allocated funds balance.

Ruona/Hintz motion to approve impact fee feasibility analysis by Ehlers in the amount not to exceed $5,500 passed without a negative voice vote.

Next meeting for public works is set for June 27, 2022.

City Administrator Matt Wolf presented the site plan for the construction of a self-storage facility at 1045 Orrin Road.

The facility will contain 7 buildings of which one will be climate controlled. Alderperson Hintz questioned the fence and wondered if it could possibly be made of some other material. It was explained the fence will be along side of the lot and there will be trees along the back where the residential housing is. Alderperson Otwell asked about all of the green grass and asked if there could be something put in which might be more ecological than just green grass. Ruona/Hintz motion to approve Resolution 12-22 “Resolution to approve a site plan for the construction of a self- storage facility at 1045 Orrin Road” passed without a negative voice vote.

Ruona/Hintz motion to approve Resolution 13-22 “Res- ________ ___ ________ __ _________ survey map combining four lots including all Outlot 2 of Magee & Hiniker Second Ad- ________ _____ ___ ____ ___ _________ Survey map Volume 3, Page 15, Document No. 315094 and part of Outlot 1 of Alvah Fowler’s addition into one lot to be known as Irwin E. Magee Memorial Park” passed without a negative voice vote.

Ruona/Hintz motion to approve Resolution 14-22 “Resolution amending the City of Prescott Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2022-2027” passed without a negative voice vote. Next meeting for Plan Commission is set for June 6, 2022.

Next meeting for parks and public property is set for May 16, 2022. Next meeting for ordinance is set for July 25, 2022.

Next meeting for personnel will be set once the third party HR consultant who worked on the employee handbook can set a meeting.

Public Comments: None were given.

Hintz/Ruona motion to approve Jameson Feltes for Cable Commission, Neil Riley for Police Commission, Jerry Klausen for Zoning Board of Appeals, David Hovel for Plan Commission and the special event permit for the Library __________________________ out a negative voice vote.

Hintz/Ruona motion to go into closed session per Wisconsin Stats. 19.85 (1) (E) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds ___ ___________ ______ _________ public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reason require a closed session – 911 Pearl Street passed unanimously via roll call vote.

Ruona/Otwell motion to come out of closed session passed without a negative voice vote.

Ruona/Otwell motion to send a letter to the Department of Administration for the acceptance of an additional $494,100 from the Community Development Block Grant with an additional $25,000 to come out of the 2022 contingency fund to cover the City’s portion of cost overages for the project at 922 Pearl Street passed without a negative voice vote.

Mayor Daugherty discussed the upcoming West Central Biosolids Facility Meeting on May 18, 2022 at 6:00 pm.

Ruona/Hintz motion to adjourn passed without a negative voice vote.

Respectfully Submitted, Jayne M. Brand City Clerk WNAXLP 5 18