Court Reports

Posted 6/27/22

PIERCE COUNTY Court Reports Initial appearances Lucas John Edward Armstrong, 47, Hager City, failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on take/drive vehicle without consent – abandon vehicle (as …

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Court Reports



Initial appearances Lucas John Edward Armstrong, 47, Hager City, failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on take/drive vehicle without consent – abandon vehicle (as party to a crime) and resisting or ob- structing an ovcer charges. A bench warrant was issued.

Carl Michael Balloy, 25, Ellsworth, failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on an operate without valid license (second within three years) charge. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest.

Isaac Edward Benck, 27, Plum City, pleaded not guilty and posted a $500 signature bond June 20 on an operating while revoked (alcohol related) charge. A status conference is set for 10:45 a.m.

July 20.

Dakota T. Brown, 25, Winona, Minn., failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on a possess nitrous oxide – intent to inhale charge. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest.

Erik Jacob Christensen,

27, Prescott, failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on felony take and drive vehicle without consent and misdemeanor bail jumping charges. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest.

Leah Marie Clausing,

44, New Richmond, pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 signature bond June 16 on two issue of worthless checks charges. A status conference is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Aug. 10.

Inti-Cusi Contento Lapo, 28, River Falls, pleaded not guilty and posted a $300 signature bond June 20 on an operate without valid license (second within three years) charge. A status conference is slated for 11:30 a.m. July 20.

Aria Cerene Denisen,

19, Minneapolis, pleaded not guilty and posted a $1,000 signature bond June 20 on possession of THC and possess drug paraphernalia charges. A status conference is set for 11 a.m. July 20.

Cassy Marie Hoven, 36, Ellsworth, posted a $5,000 signature bond June 20 on felony possession of methamphetamine, possession of cocaine/coca and possess drug paraphernalia charges.

A status conference is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. July 1.

Luis Miguel Lozano Saco, 27, Ellsworth, pleaded not guilty and posted a $300 signature bond June 20 on an operate without valid license (third within three years) charge. A status conference is set for 11:15 a.m. July 20.

Francisco Miranda Ri

vera, 28, Red Wing, Minn., posted a $10,000 signature bond June 20 on felony possession of methamphetamine, possession of cocaine/ coca and possess drug paraphernalia charges. A status conference is scheduled for 9 a.m. July 14.

Donald Evan Rommann,

58, River Falls, failed to make a June 20 initial appearance on a misdemeanor bail jumping charge. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest.

Jason James Schellin,

53, Hudson, posted a $500 signature bond June 20 on an operating while revoked (alcohol related) charge. A status conference is scheduled for 11:45 a.m. July 20.

Ashley Lynn Vorass, 33, River Falls, posted a $10,000 signature bond June 20 on criminal damage to property, resisting or obstructing an of- ficer, two disorderly conduct and four felony bail jumping charges. A preliminary hearing is slated for 1:30 p.m.

July 1. She was also ordered to have no contact with Nutty Squirrel and Dairy Queen in River Falls.

Ronald Scott Wild, 57, Whitewater, pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 signature bond on two misde- meanor bail jumping charges June 16. A status conference is slated for 2:15 p.m. July 11.

Closed cases Paul Allen Martin, 26, St. Paul, was convicted of fail/report to county jail (<10 days), sentenced to two days in jail and fined $443 June 16. The charge resulted from a Jan. 23, 2021 incident.

Possession of THC and possess drug paraphernalia charges against Jessica Jill Frater, 36, Hager City, were dismissed June 15 upon com- pletion of a deferred judg ment of conviction agreement. The charges stemmed from a Sept. 8, 2020 incident.

Blake Edward Halv erson, 29, River Falls, was convicted of criminal damage to property (repeater), sentenced to two years’ pro- bation, fined $443 and or dered to pay $250 in restitution (plus a 10% surcharge) June 16. Intimidate victim/ dissuade complaints and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) charges were dismissed. The charges resulted from incidents Feb. 27 and April 12.

Jerey L. Johnson, 28, Hammond, waived extradition to Dakota County (Minn.) June 17.

Timothy Joseph O'Brien, 61, Prescott, was sentenced June 15 to nine months in jail and ordered to $761 in unpaid court costs at a probation revocation sentencing hearing. O’Brien had been convicted of battery (domestic abuse) and two disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) charges July 6, 2020, and sentenced to probation.

The charges stemmed from incidents Feb. 20, 2020 and March 16, 2020.

A disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) charge against Emily Rose Peterfeso, 26, River Falls, was dismissed June 15 before an initial appearance. The charge resulted from a May 8 incident in River Falls.

Rachel May Schillinger,

41, Webster, was convicted of criminal damage to property and receiving or concealing stolen property (as party to a crime) June 15, sentenced to two years' probation, fined $886 and ordered to enroll in Drug Court. Disorderly conduct, possess drug parapher- nalia and felony bail jumping charges were dismissed. The charges stemmed from incidents May 7, 2020 and Aug.

4, 2021.

Joseph Daniel Young, 38, Prescott, was convicted of disorderly conduct (repeater), sentenced to one year of probation and fined $443 June 16. The charge resulted from a Jan. 18 incident.

Deferred cases Jasmine Lyn Aune, 22, Boyceville, pleaded guilty to and entered into a de- ferred judgment of convic tion agreement June 20 on an operate without valid license (second within three years) charge. The charge stemmed from a July 28, 2021 travc stop.

Jeery S. Miner, 57, Colbran, Colo., pleaded no contest to and entered into a deferred judgment of con viction agreement June 20 on felony failure to support child (120 days+). Three felony failure to support child (120 days+) charges were read-in but dismissed. The charges resulted from incident Sept.

1, 2014; Nov. 1, 2015; April 1, 2016; and Sept. 1, 2016.

Rachel May Schillinger,

41, Webster, was convicted of misdemeanor bail jump ing June 15, sentenced to two years’ probation and fined $446. She also plead ed guilty to and entered into a deferred judgment of con viction agreement on a felony possession of methamphetamine charge. Operate without valid license (second within three years) and possess drug paraphernalia charges were dismissed. The charges stemmed from a Feb. 7, 2021 incident.