Court Reports

Posted 6/20/22

PIERCE COUNTY Court Reports Initial appearances Brady J. Blodgett, 19, Maiden Rock, pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 signature bond June 13 on operate without valid license (second within …

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Court Reports



Initial appearances Brady J. Blodgett, 19, Maiden Rock, pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 signature bond June 13 on operate without valid license (second within three years) and two misdemeanor bail jumping charges. A status conference is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. July 25.

Daniel Joseph Donahue, 73, River Falls, pleaded not guilty and posted a $1,000 signature bond June 13 on OWI-second and operating with PAC-second charges. A status conference is slated for 9 a.m. July 21.

Chelsea Victoria Hill, 32, Hastings, Minn., posted a $10,000 signature bond June 10 on disorderly conduct and two felony neglecting a child (specified harm did not occur and child under 6 or disability) charges. A status conference is slated for 9 a.m. July 28.

Bailey Anthony Huot, 22, River Falls, failed to make an initial appearance June 13 on a theft – movable property charge. A bench warrant was issued.

Claudio Romero Japon Ambuludi, 36, Minneapolis, was ordered to pay $750 cash bail June 13 on OWI-second, operating with PAC-second and operating while revoked (alcohol related) charges. A status conference is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. July 14.

Caitlyn Mary Jorgensen, 33, St. Paul, failed to make an initial appearance June 13 on theft – movable property, receiving or concealing stolen property, felony theft – movable property (>$5,000-$10,000), felony receiving stolen property (>5,000-$10,000 or firearm), and two felony burglary – building or dwelling charges. All charges have the “as party to a crime” modifier. A bench warrant was is sued.

Nicholas John Kastner, 37, St. Paul, failed to make an initial appearance June 13 on theft – movable property, receiving or concealing stolen property, felony theft – movable property (>$5,000-$10,000), felony receiving stolen property (>5,000-$10,000 or fire arm), and two felony burglary – building or dwelling charges. All charges have the “as party to a crime” modifier. A bench warrant was is sued.

Koianna Jean Kelley, 33, Ellsworth, pleaded not guilty and was ordered to pay $100 cash bail on misdemeanor bail jumping and possess drug paraphernalia charges June 9. A status conference is set for 11 a.m. July 14.

Cristal Joy Knuth, 39, Ellsworth, pleaded not guilty and posted a $1,000 signature bond June 9 on criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct charges. A status conference is scheduled for 2:45 p.m. July 11.

Jeanette Deltrese Lee Kolpien, 23, Eau Claire, was ordered to pay $2,500 cash bail June 10 on felony second-degree recklessly endangering safety, felony take and drive vehicle without consent, felony criminal damage to property (over $2,500), felony vehicle operator flee/elude officer, felony bail jumping and operating while revoked (alcohol related). A status conference is set for 11 a.m. July 19.

Shaun Michael Lemaster, 44, Prescott, pleaded not guilty and posted a $10,000 signature bond June 8 on misdemeanor bail jumping, disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) and battery (domestic abuse) charges. A status conference is scheduled for 1:45 p.m. July 18.

A disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) charge against Emily Rose Peterfeso, 26, River Falls, was dismissed before an initial appearance June 15.

Michael Jon Schouten,

35, River Falls, posted a $10,000 signature bond June13 on felony possession of THC (second+ offense) and possess drug paraphernalia charges. A status conference is slated for 10:30 a.m. July 21.

David Alvin Thomas Jr., 35, Hastings, Minn., failed to make an initial appearance June 9 on operate without valid license (third within three years) and four misdemeanor bail jumping charges. A bench warrant was issued.

Tony Earl Tri, 44, Bay City, pleaded not guilty to and posted a $1,000 signature bond June 9 on criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct charges. A status conference is set for 2:45 p.m. July 5.

Nicole Marie Whipple,

34, River Falls, posted a $10,000 signature bond June 10 on felony bail jumping (repeater), felony possession of methamphetamine (repeater), possession of THC (repeater) and possess drug paraphernalia (repeater) charges. A preliminary hearing is slated for 2 p.m. July 15.

Closed cases Joshua Brantley Gard, 30, Bay City, was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined $277.80 June 13. The charge stemmed from a Nov.

4 incident.

Two operating while revoked charges against Christopher Allen King, 32, Red Wing, Minn., were dismissed June 13. The charges result- ed from traffic stops Dec. 20, 2020 and Dec. 18, 2021.

Lori Ann Larson, 60, River Falls, was convicted of OWI-third and reckless driving – cause bodily harm, sentenced to 65 days in jail (35 days stayed), fined $2,487, ordered to pay $2,500 in restitution, ordered to undergo an alcohol assessment and ordered to install an ignition interlock device after a two-year driver’s license revocation June 13. An operating with PAC-third charge was dismissed. The charges stemmed from an Aug. 11, 2021 traffic stop.

Sophia Mae McBain, 35, Ridgeland, was convicted of operating while revoked (alcohol related) and fined $443 June 13. The charge resulted from a Dec. 13, 2021 incident.

Jeremy J. Schoenick, 28, Hudson, was convicted of OWI-second June 13, sentenced to 40 days in jail (30 days stayed), fined $1,429, ordered to undergo an alcohol assessment and ordered to install an ignition interlock device after a 12-month driver’s license revocation. Operating with PAC and misdemeanor bail jumping charges were dismissed. The charges stemmed from traffic stop Nov. 9, 2020 and Dec. 18, 2021.

Troy Alan Stumpf, 46, Hager City, was convicted of operate without carrying a license and fined $277.80 June 13. The charge resulted from a Dec. 5, 2021 traffic stop.

Deferred cases Joshua Michael Hause, 25, Mason City, Iowa, pleaded no contest to and entered into a deferred judgment of conviction agreement June 13 on a disorderly conduct (domestic abuse) charge. An intimidate victim/dissuade reporting charge was dismissed. The charges stemmed from a March 1 incident.

Danielle Rae Rogers, 47, Minneapolis, was convicted of criminal damage to property and resisting or obstructing an officer, sentenced to two years’ probation, fined $886 and ordered to pay $421 in restitution (plus a 10% surcharge) June 13.

She pleaded no contest to a felony burglary – building or dwelling charge and entered into a deferred judgment of conviction agreement. A felony battery or threat to judge, prosecutor or law enforcement officer charge was dismissed. The charges resulted from an Aug. 10, 2021 incident in Maiden Rock.