Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign begins

Posted 8/22/22

Law enforcement to focus on impaired driving through Labor Day Stepped-up patrols began last week to prevent tragedies caused by impaired driving on our roads. Ovcers from Wiscon sin State Patrol and …

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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign begins


Law enforcement to focus on impaired driving through Labor Day

Stepped-up patrols began last week to prevent tragedies caused by impaired driving on our roads.

Ovcers from Wiscon sin State Patrol and law enforcement agencies across the state will work together to stop impaired drivers throughout the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.

This critical enforcement partnership began Wednesday, Aug. 17 and runs through Labor Day; a time when many are traveling for end of summer celebrations. All available State Patrol troopers and inspectors will step up enforcement of impaired driving ouenses during the campaign. “Our goal of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign is to eliminate the dangers of drunk driving and work towards zero deaths on Wisconsin roads,” State Patrol Superintendent Tim Carnahan said. “Im- paired driving is a signifi cant public health risk, it’s a public safety risk, and it’s a risk to the whole transportation system.”

Someone is injured or killed in an impaired driving crash every two hours in Wisconsin. Last year, alcohol- related crashes killed 166 people and 74 died in crashes involving drugs.

Throughout the year and during the campaign, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation aims to raise awareness of the dangers of impaired driving by educating the community about the importance of planning for a safe ride home. Wisconsin State Patrol’s August Law of the Month focuses on the Drive Sober message.

Special training for Drive Sober enforcement Wisconsin has among the most Drug Recognition Experts in the nation.

WisDOT operates the DRE program, certifying ovcers statewide. Wisconsin State Patrol has 14 DREs who can identify the euects of diuerent types of drugs.

In addition, more than 6,300 Wisconsin ovcers are trained in Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement. ARIDE training helps ovcers better identify the signs of drug and alcohol impairment in drivers and make an informed decision on whether to arrest.

“Apprehending drunk drivers is one of our most significant and major en forcement goals because so many people are killed and injured every year,” Superintendent Carnahan said.

“Every day, our troopers and inspectors are out looking for impaired drivers, even during routine travc stops.”

Plan ahead for safe travel

If you plan to celebrate, identify a sober designated driver, or find a safe alterna tive way home. Never allow someone who is impaired to get behind the wheel.

Protect yourself and your passengers every time you travel. Buckle up, phone down. Watch your speed and eliminate distractions.

If you suspect a driver is impaired, pull over and call 911. Provide as much detail as possible on the driver, vehicle, and location.

Download the free Drive Sober mobile app from the WisDOT website. The app includes a "find a ride" feature to help locate mass transit and taxi services.

Some bars and restaurants have programs to provide patrons a safe ride home.

Submitted by WisDOT