Posted 5/17/22

ELLSWORTH COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT April 11, 2022, school board meeting minutes Ellsworth Community School District Ellsworth, Wisconsin The Ellsworth Community School District Board of Education …

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ELLSWORTH COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT April 11, 2022, school board meeting minutes Ellsworth Community School District Ellsworth, Wisconsin The Ellsworth Community School District Board of Education met on Monday, April 11, 2022, in the Ellsworth High School Cafeteria for a regular school board meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by President Doug Peterson. Members present ________________________________ san Beck, Kurt Buckner, Katie Feuerhelm, Gary Kressin, Julie Lundstrom, Steve Mark, and Doug Peterson.

The following acknowledgements were made by the school board: ________ __________ ___________ School Principal, presented information on the local community speakers that presented demonstrations in the STEM Lab for elementary students as organized by STEM Lab Coordinator, Tami Place.

______ __________ _________ school board member, was recognized for his twelve years of service on the school board with community and board members enjoying refreshments in his honor.

A motion was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Julie Lundstrom to approve the March 14, 2022, school board meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Kurt Buckner to approve the March 2022 _________ _______ ___ ____________ Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Cain presented the second reading of school board policy Volume 31, #1 for school board approval. Motion was made by Julie Lundstrom, seconded by Katie Feuerhelm to approve the school board policy as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Cain presented the proposed update to the District Fund 46 Capital Improvement Fund Plan. The updates include the addition of student classroom furniture purchases at both the Middle School and the High School along with the addition of refurbishing the Phy Ed Locker rooms at the High School and roof replacement at the High School. Motion was made by Gary Kressin, seconded by Susan Beck to approve the updated plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding the proposed High School and Middle School classroom furniture purchase. Motion was made by Gary Kressin, seconded by Kurt Buckner to approve the classroom furniture purchase for the Middle School and the High School as presented. Motion carried 6-1 with school board member, Steve Mark, opposed.

Superintendent Cain presented proposed maintenance, technology, and transportation projects for the 2022-2023 school year for school board discussion. He noted _______________________________ approval at the April school board meeting due to time constraints. Motion was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Julie Lundstrom to approve ____ __________ ______ ______ ___ presented excluding the Middle School/High School Furniture purchase as that was approved in the previous motion.

Motion carried unanimously.

School Board Committee reports: _____ ___________ __________ did not meet.

_____ _____________ ____ ___ sonnel Committee met on April 4, 2022, to discuss employee ______ ____ ________ ____ ____ 2022-2023 school year, the Facilities Director position, and ______________________ _____________________________ Transportation Committee met on April 4, 2022, to review the 2022-2023 Maintenance, Technology, and Transportation project listing presented earlier in the meeting.

_____ _______ ____ ________ Committee did not meet.

_____ _______________ ___ mittee did not meet.

___________ ________ _____ ed school board members on upcoming CESA and WASB events.

There were no registrants for public comment.

Superintendent Cain presented the canvassed school district referendum results from the April 5, 2022, election. The referendum results were canvassed as follows: Yes votes- _____ ____ ___ _______ ____ _____ the referendum passing. Motion was made by Julie Lundstrom, seconded by Kurt Buckner to accept the canvassed referendum election results as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Cain presented the canvassed school board election results from the April 5, 2022, election. The school board election results were canvassed as follows: Susan Beck- 1142 votes, Douglas Graf- 738 votes, Donald Eaves III- 379 votes, Julie Lundstrom- 1298 votes, Michael M Petersen- 966 votes with Julie Lundstrom, Susan Beck, and Michael Petersen winning seats on the school board. Motion was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Katie Feuerhelm to accept the canvassed school board election results as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

______ ________ _______ ______ members, Susan Beck, Julie Lundstrom, and Michael Pe- ________ _____ ____ _____ ___ _____ with Michael Petersen introducing himself to the school board and audience members.

Motion was made by Kurt Buckner, seconded by Julie Lundstrom to approve the personnel report as presented.

Motion carried unanimously.

Hires: Olivia Bonlander, High School/Middle School Art Teacher Danielle Goodier, Elementary School ___________________________ Joseph Rodgers, High School/Elementary School Custodian Ruby Straub, Elementary School Teaching Assistant Steve Straub, District Long Term Substitute Teacher Resignation: Dianne Albarado, District Wide Full Time Substitute Teacher Rebecca Hanestad, Elementary School Special Education Teacher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Junker, High School Band Teacher Joe Larson, High School Science Teacher/ Middle School Spanish Teacher Ta y l o r Sharratt, High School/Middle School English Teacher Bailey Wilson, High School Spanish Teacher Retirement: Annie Walz, _____________________________ Transfer:Kim Meier, transfer from Elementary School Teaching Assistant to Middle School Administrative Assistant Ricardo Rodriguez Colon, transfer from Elementary School/High School Custodian to Elementary School Custodian Andrew Borner, transfer from High School Custodian to Facilities Director/District

Wide Lead Custodian Superintendent Cain presented the CESA #11 Services Contract for the 2022-2023 school year for school board approval. Motion was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Julie Lundstrom to approve the proposed CESA #11 service purchases as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with school board member, Katie Feuerhelm, abstaining.

Julie Lundstrom will be representing the school board for the scholarship presentation at the High School Awards ceremony on Sunday, May 22, 2022.

Gary Kressin, Steve Mark, Julie Lundstrom, and Katie Feuerhelm will be presenting diplomas at the High School Graduation ceremony on May 27, 2022.

Superintendent Cain presented the job description for the District Wide Facilities Director- Lead Custodian. Motion was made by Gary Kressin, seconded by Kurt Buckner to approve the job description as presented. Motion carried 7-0. President Peterson thanked Superintendent Cain for his leadership in this role over the past few years.

Superintendent’s Report __ _______________ _____ thanked the community for their support of the school district referendum. There was not a need for closed session.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Susan Beck, seconded by Katie Feuerhelm. Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
