ELLSWORTH Police Department Reports

Posted 8/29/22

The following incidents were reported to Ellsworth Police Department Aug. 22-28. Monday, Aug. 22 Jefferson Pullaguari- Lozano, 25, Ellsworth, was cited for operate without valid license after a …

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ELLSWORTH Police Department Reports


The following incidents were reported to Ellsworth Police Department Aug. 22-28.

Monday, Aug. 22 Jefferson Pullaguari- Lozano, 25, Ellsworth, was cited for operate without valid license after a traffic stop at 12:18 a.m. at Main and Chestnut streets.

Jefferson Pullaguari- Lozano, 25, Ellsworth, was arrested for operate without valid license (second) after a traffic stop at 10:33 p.m. at Beulah and Main streets. Police transported him to Pierce County Jail without incident.

Tuesday, Aug. 23 Santiago Reyes Gallardo, 27, Maiden Rock, was cited for operate without valid license after a traffic stop at 12:04 a.m. at Wall Street and Railroad Avenue.

Amirose Mooney, 52, Ellsworth, was arrested for operate without valid license (second) after a traffic stop for failing to stop at a stop sign at 12:45 a.m. at 670th Street and 570th Avenue.

Police received a complaint about someone burning garbage at 10:14 p.m. at 232 S. Piety St. When officers arrived, no fires were burning.

Wednesday, Aug. 24

Police received an anonymous complaint at 6:21 a.m. of people loudly arguing in the area of Old West Main and Dana streets. Police made contact with a man, who said he’d been arguing with someone about breaking up. Officers didn’t locate the other party.

Thursday, Aug. 25

Officers spoke to a man parked at the fairgrounds (364 N. Maple St.) at 2:25 a.m. He said he was playing Pokemon Go.

James Moe, 38, River Falls, was arrested for a probation violation at 3:39 p.m. at 310 W. Main St.

Conner Shonkwiler, 22, Ellsworth, was arrested for possession of THC and possess drug paraphernalia after a traffic stop for operating left of center at 8:59 p.m. at North Maple and West Cairns streets.

Friday, Aug. 26 Justin Brathall, 32, Ellsworth, was arrested for OWI-first after a traffic stop for speeding at 12:02 a.m. at Main and Dar streets.

At 12:11 a.m., police received a noise complaint about the football field PA system (323 W. Hillcrest St.) It was making a loud scratching noise. No one was in the PA box and the door was locked. Attempted contact with multiple school administrators was unsuccessful. The noise stopped after about 30 minutes.

At 2:44 p.m., a complainant told police that a truck with Ellsworth Fire license plates flashed its emergency lights at him near Maple Street and Crosstown Road, which scared him and prompted him to pull over. He reported it in case it happens to someone else.

Officers responded to a domestic incident at 7:41 p.m. at 113 Kruger Lane. Steven Day, 29, Ellsworth, was arrested for domestic disorderly conduct.

Saturday, Aug. 27

Police made contact with a suspicious vehicle parked at 12:04 a.m. at 598 Lucas Lane. The driver said she was waiting to meet a friend.

Officers received a noise complaint at 2:27 a.m. at 467 W. Warner St. The suspect agreed to turn his music off and go inside.

Police removed a tree from the roadway at 1:39 p.m. near 240 Panther Drive.

Sunday, Aug. 28

At 6:33 p.m., a complainant found a bag containing a white, crystal-like substance in the parking lot at 610 E. Main St.