Ellsworth Senior Center events

Posted 8/29/22

ELLSWORTH – The Ellsworth Senior Center would like to invite all senior citizens age 50 and greater to the following events: Celebrating Seniors Gathering Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Aug. 31 for Bingo in …

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Ellsworth Senior Center events


ELLSWORTH – The Ellsworth Senior Center would like to invite all senior citizens age 50 and greater to the following events: Celebrating Seniors Gathering Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Aug. 31 for Bingo in the Park. We will be meeting at Summit Park in Ellsworth. Come enjoy the fellowship with bingo, cake and ice cream.

Eagle Center Trip, Tuesday, Sept. 20. Come join us for an outing to The National Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minn. We will be visiting the center, attending a live eagle program, and stopping for dinner on the way home. Pre-registration required by Sept. 14. Call the Ellsworth Senior Center for additional information at 715-273-5873.

Discovering Together Tuesday, 11 a.m. Sept. 13 for a “Fiesta in the Garden.” We will be meeting at the Ellsworth Food Pantry Garden at 440 N. Maple St. Karen Frantti (nutrition educator) from FoodWise UW Extension will be leading our gathering. We will be planting some herb container gardens, sharing a fall garden salsa, and learning about the food pantry garden. A free picnic meal will be provided following the program courtesy of Ellsworth Senior Center and Friends of the Ellsworth Public Library. All ages are welcome.

Submitted by Ellsworth Senior Center Director Janelle Braund