Elmwood man charged with sexual assault

Posted 8/15/22

By Sarah Nigbor Editor’s note: This article may contain disturbing content not suitable for children and/or those who are survivors of sexual or domestic violence. An Elmwood man has been charged …

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Elmwood man charged with sexual assault


By Sarah Nigbor

Editor’s note: This article may contain disturbing content not suitable for children and/or those who are survivors of sexual or domestic violence.

An Elmwood man has been charged with felony second degree sexual assault/ use of force in Pierce County Circuit Court related to a July 2019 incident in River Falls.

Tucker Mikhail Cady, 33, posted a $50,000 signature bond Aug. 8 on the felony charge. If convicted, he faces up to 40 years in prison and/ or fines up to $100,000. According to the complaint: The survivor reported the sexual assault took place in a River Falls home on July 16, 2019. When Cady began sexual advances on her, she told him no, but he didn’t take no for an answer. He followed her downstairs when she tried to sleep on the couch, where he threw a bag of recycling at her. The bag contained a glass bottle that struck her in the forehead; he also dumped a crushed up bag of pretzels over her head after tipping over furniture and smashing belongings.

During the assault, he forced her to perform oral sex on him multiple times and raped her. After the in- cident, she fled to a family member’s home. Cady later told her he was blacked out drunk and asked her not to tell anyone about the incident.

Cady is scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing in Pierce County Circuit Court at 10 a.m. Sept. 13.