from the Hip

Posted 5/23/22

SHOTS from the Hip The WIAA boys and girls sectional track and field meets will be held throughout the state this Thursday. The Prescott Cardinal boys and girls sectional qualifiers will be competing …

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from the Hip


SHOTS from the Hip

The WIAA boys and girls sectional track and field meets will be held throughout the state this Thursday. The Prescott Cardinal boys and girls sectional qualifiers will be competing in the Division 2 Sectional Meet in Rice Lake. The WIAA state track and field championships will be held on June 3 and 4 at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse.

Congratulations to Cardinal golfer Tyler Reiter on being named Middle Border All Conference. The ninth grader finished third overall in the conference tournament last week and has been the top player on the links for the Car dinals all season. Obviously, the future looks bright for the mild mannered youngster.

The #1 seed Prescott girls softball team has seven shutouts this season. That in cludes four consecutive shutouts by the Middle Border Conference champions last month. Orion Tulip’s complete game, four hit shutout was the third of the year for the Cardi nal baseball team.

The Prescott baseball team played eight games this season against teams that have been ranked in the top 10 by the Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association Top 10. The Car dinals played a top 10 ranked team in all four divisions this season.

Shortstop Peter Brookshaw and the North Dakota State Bison earned the No. 1 seed for the first time in program history and will open the Sum

mit League Conference tour nament this Wednesday when they face #4 seed Omaha. NDSU will attempt to defend last year’s conference title and hope to qualify for the NCAA Tournament for the third time in program history. The Bison finished atop the regular sea son standings with a record of 17 5 in league play. Brook shaw is the team leader in hits, runs scored, and runs batted in. The four team tournament will be played May 25 28 at J.L. Johnson Stadium at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The Prescott baseball coaches will be hosting a two day skills/competitive camp for third through eighth graders at Firehall Field on June 8 and 9.

Speaking of college base

ball, perennial NCAA Divi sion III powers UW Whitewater and UW Stevens Point will play this weekend in a best of three game super regional in Stevens Point. The winner of the series between the two bit ter rivals will qualify for the NCAA Championships in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that be

gins on June 3. Both Whitewa ter and Stevens Point have been ranked in the Top 10 na tionally all season.

The Prescott Pirates split their games over the weekend falling to the Ellsworth Hub

bers by a score of 13 4. The locals bounced back with a 7 0 win over the Plum City Blues on Sunday. Eric Mun

son and 2019 Prescott alum nus Matt Langer combined to throw the shutout.

From the Department of Natural Resources: The public is urged to celebrate National Trails Day on June 4 by visit ing state trails. Whether by foot, bike, horse, ATV or wa

tercraft, Wisconsin has thou sands of miles of trails to enjoy. This year, National Trails Day falls on the DNR’s 10th annual Free Fun Week

end, June 4 5, when all admis sion and trail fees are waived at state parks, forests and trails. From linear trails to hilly terrain, you can discover all types of trails across Wis

consin. Visit the DNR's Wis consin State Parks webpage for trail maps, directions and park info.

Headshaker of the week. Baseball coaches and a smat tering of spectators were not impressed with the language or the behavior of players from one private and one pub lic high school last week. Dugout conversations laced with profanities early in the week was followed by car

toonish ape like dugout be havior that should have been an embarrassment to any coach or person connected to the team. Although WIAA of ficials have identified good sportsmanship and behavior as a “point of emphasis” again this year, the umpires, as per usual, did not admonish the players nor the coach. It’s a headshaker.

By Cripe Olson