Healthier Together releases 2023-2025 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan

Posted 10/10/22

Leading the pandemic recovery for our communities Over the last two years, Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties led the planning and implementation of a two-county, community-based …

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Healthier Together releases 2023-2025 Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan


Leading the pandemic recovery for our communities

Over the last two years, Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties led the planning and implementation of a two-county, community-based approach for creating and maintaining healthy communities using a process that fit our unique needs while still responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Euorts included the completion of a com munity health survey and focus groups and key informant interviews to identify community health strengths and concerns, gathering input and feedback from local stakeholders on areas of community concern, and the development of a community health improvement plan to address the chosen priorities.

The final priority areas for the 2023-2025 plan are Mental, Social, and Emotional Wellness and Thriving and Livable Communities for All.

Mental, Social, and Emotional Wellness

Mental wellness includes our emotional, psychological, and social health. It auects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Healthier Together is focused on creating policy, systems, and environmental changes that support mental wellness for all residents of Pierce and St. Croix counties and prevent mental illness from occurring.

“The COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing economic concerns have negatively auected many people’s mental health and created new challenges for those already suuering from mental illness and substance use disorders. Healthier Together is committed to innovative strategies to improve access to mental health resources and services, re-establish a work-life balance, and build resiliency skills to heal after a very challenging couple of years,” said Brandi Poellinger, East Region Community Engagement Manager, Regina Hospital and River Falls Area Hospital.

Thriving and Livable Communities for All Healthier Together understands that the conditions in the environments where our residents are born, live, learn, work, play, and age auect a wide range of health outcomes. These conditions can include factors such as economic stability, access to quality educa tion and childcare, access to health care, ac- cess to auordable and healthy housing, access to transportation, safe air and water, access to nutritious foods, and safe and plentiful places for physical activity.

“The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated and highlighted inequities that have long existed in our communities. By deepening our understanding of these issues and opportunities in our communities, we seek to advocate for and support policy and system changes that expand and create environments that promote attaining the full potential of health and wellbeing for all," said Alyson Sauter, 211 Community Impact Director, United Way St Croix Valley.

To read our plan, learn more about Healthier Together, or join a priority area action team visit: http://www.healthiertogetherpiercestcroix. org Submitted by Pierce County Public Health