Heating bills provide stress for many

Posted 10/24/22

THE MAYOR’S Message Winter will soon be approaching, and before we know it, we’ll be turning on our heat. For some, this annual milestone brings fun and excitement. We might be thrilled that …

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Heating bills provide stress for many




Winter will soon be approaching, and before we know it, we’ll be turning on our heat. For some, this annual milestone brings fun and excitement. We might be thrilled that it’s time to dig out our favorite sweaters, cozy up inside, and watch the Packers make their annual run to the Super Bowl.

For many others, this time of year can bring significant stress and anxiety, since the colder weather means it’s yet again time to shoulder the financial burden of paying our heating bills.

Everyone deserves to have basic safety, comfort, and security. In the City of River Falls, there is a moratorium on utility disconnects from November through April. This means that, no matter what, you can count on having gas and electricity throughout the coldest months of the year.

Of course, City utility customers will still receive their monthly bills during the moratorium. And if you’re having trouble getting together the funds to pay, we want you to know that we understand the gravity of the divcul ty you’re facing, and that we are here to help.

When you call us to let us know you’re having trouble making your utility payments, you’re not going to speak to someone at a call center hundreds of miles away. You’re talking to Wendy. Or maybe you’re talking to Lisa. If not, then it’s Jackie or Brenda. They’re here to help guide you through the process of getting the assistance you need.

The City is lucky to partner with several outstanding local organizations that provide direct financial assistance to qualifying indi -viduals, including Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP), which is administered by West Cap; WPPI Commitment to Community; Assistance Resource Center (ARC); Operation Help; WI Help for Homeowners; and the Salvation Army (call 715– 307-7750 for the River Falls ovce.)

These amazing programs are managed by dedicated individuals who care deeply about ensuring that your basic needs are met. How- ever, they're also comprised of small staus, some with limited working hours. Once the moratorium ends each April, they typically see a large surge in demand, and it can be hard to meet this volume of requests. Don’t wait until the moratorium ends to reach out. We can help anytime throughout the year. If you don't qualify for financial as sistance through one of our partner agencies, we are happy to ouer you a payment plan. We know no two financial situations are exactly alike, and our customer service representatives will work with you to tailor a plan to your needs.

Know that if you need help, you’re not alone. From October 2021 to September 2022, we worked with 420 community members in need, and altogether, our partners provided $109,520 in assistance.

Bills and past due statements pile up quickly, and we know how overwhelming that can feel. Remember that there are funds, programs, and people here to help. We’re here for you.

I wish you all a happy fall. Go Pack Go!