Housing shortage

Posted 8/1/22

To the editor, River Falls has a housing problem. There are just not enough garage condos in the city for all the Porsches, Maseratis, and Lamborghinis that want to live in town. At least that seems …

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Housing shortage


To the editor,

River Falls has a housing problem. There are just not enough garage condos in the city for all the Porsches, Maseratis, and Lamborghinis that want to live in town. At least that seems to be the opinion of land developer Neal Krzyzaniak. His solution, as described in the July 27 issue of the Pierce County Journal article, “Neighbors tell developer to ‘go back to MN’,’’ would provide plenty of domiciles for these luxury cars and their owners. And when the cars are tired of being cooped up in their villas, they can take their drivers on gas-guz- zling spins around a five-mile road course emitting full-throated roars to the delight of the locals.

Seriously, River Falls needs to develop more auordable housing for those who work in Western Wisconsin as stated in a 2018 housing survey. Homes for people, yes; sports cars, no. A noisy road course on which private country club members could race from dawn to dusk would disturb the peace of a good portion of River Falls Township and City. The city should continue to protect the Kinni Corridor which includes the portion of the South Fork bordering the development area. Lastly, the city’s current comprehensive plan states that the project land “is environmentally sensitive, containing large areas of wetlands.” “Sanitary sewer service to [it] will be very divcult." An nexation will be costly. These are only a few of the reasons to “Just Say No” to this ill-conceived project. Don Leake River Falls