Jail Log

Posted 2/28/22

PIERCE COUNTY Jail Log Monday, Feb. 21 Mark Allen Nehring, 43, Elmwood, by Ellsworth police, probation violation. Chace Allen Williams, 27, Ellsworth, by Ellsworth police, misdemeanor bail jumping, …

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Jail Log



Monday, Feb. 21 Mark Allen Nehring, 43, Elmwood, by Ellsworth police, probation violation.

Chace Allen Williams, 27, Ellsworth, by Ellsworth police, misdemeanor bail jumping, disorderly conduct, released on $5,000 signature bond.

Tuesday, Feb. 22 Cody Thomas Williams, 27, Ellsworth, by Ellsworth police, disorderly conduct, misdemeanor bail jumping, felony bail jumping, released on $1,000 cash bond.

Wednesday, Feb. 23 Saprina Mays, 29, homeless, by Prescott police, disorderly conduct, battery to firefighters or commission wardens, resisting or obstructing an officer, vehicle operator flee/elude officer, released Feb. 25 on $500 cash bail.

Thursday, Feb. 24 Erik Jacob Christensen, 26, Prescott, by Prescott police, battery, disorderly conduct, misdemeanor bail jumping, released.

Ryan Anthony Cusin, 27, Hudson, by PCSO, OWI, operating with PAC, released on $2,500 signature bond.

Nowa Matthew Hartman-Booth, 21, Ellsworth, by PCSO, probation violation, disorderly conduct, battery.

Allen Gene McCuen, 35, Elmwood, by PCSO, burglary – building/dwelling, receiving or concealing stolen property, released on $25,000 signature bond.

Kayla Lorrayne Wilbur,

29, Spring Valley, by Ellsworth police, probation violation.

Friday, Feb. 25 Glen Henry Puppe, 74, Hager City, by PCSO, OWI, operating with PAC, released to responsible party.

Saturday, Feb. 26 Chace Allen Williams, 27, Ellsworth, by Ellsworth police, misdemeanor bail jumping, released.

Sunday, Feb. 27 Douglas Edward Hanson, 71, Somerset, by PCSO, OWI, released to responsible party.

John Wayne Johnson, 51, Ellsworth, by PCSO, OWI, released to responsible party.

Rachel Kristine Kabanuk,

44, St. Paul, by RF police, disorderly conduct, released on $150 cash bond.

Joshua Tyler Mead, 27, Cottage Grove, Minn., by Prescott police, substantial battery – intend bodily harm, disorderly conduct.

Jacque Howard Vezina,

42, River Falls, by RF police, battery, disorderly conduct, criminal trespass to dwelling.