Jan. 18: Plum City Care Center Chatter

Laura Kadlec
Posted 1/17/23

Mondays are usually off to a slow start. Music gets us going and by the end of our sing-a-longs, we’re raring to go. Many of our tunes elicit memories and often, conversations will be triggered …

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Jan. 18: Plum City Care Center Chatter


Mondays are usually off to a slow start. Music gets us going and by the end of our sing-a-longs, we’re raring to go. Many of our tunes elicit memories and often, conversations will be triggered from the simplest of tunes. Lunch arrived and soon after we found folks reading or visiting with each other. By mid-afternoon we were ready for some fresh popped corn. Our popcorn maker pops the best in the county, hands down! Before supper, we enjoyed a grand game of Tic-Tac-Toss. Winners, with many ties, this week were: Fourth, Milda Bautch, Dorothy Pfaffe, Ivan Mason, Nancy Bishop; third place, Dorothy Weisenbeck, Kevin Bauer, Shirley Klinski; second place ,Alice Brantner; and first place champ, and the only one to have three in a row, Frances White! A quick supper and we set up for bingo. We welcomed the Berger girls who helped us set up and deliver candy rewards.

A sunny Tuesday and a couple of sunny men arrived for Mass and communion. Father Jojo and Terry Pelzel provided a nice time of worship for us. Name That Tune was next on the agenda with eight players but many listeners. After 50 songs, first place was earned by Penny Stafford with 16 correct answers followed by Barb Grewe with 11. Coming in just behind them at third was Shirley Klinski who had 10 correct titles. Mary Ellen guessed some of the tough ones and had a total of eight. With a handful more of guesses came Milda Bautch, Dorothy Weisenbeck, Alice Brantner, and Dorothy Pfaffe. The afternoon hosted a dozen of our crafters. We are beginning a winter wreath for our door décor. First, all grapevine wreaths were painted white.  Next week we will add items. With hands and tables cleaned up, we gathered for our weekly church service with Pastor Phil Bloomdahl from the Evangelical Free Church. We enjoyed his message and singing some of our favorite hymns. Our evening concluded the day with a fun game of Uno with Aaliyah.

Wednesday woke up with more snow! As such, the school kids were not available to assist with bowling. But we managed and played five complete rounds. Earning places were Ivan Mason, Nancy Bishop in fourth; Kevin Bauer, Alice Brantner in third; Milda Bautch in second; and first place (with one strike) Frances White. It was on to afternoon activities beginning with fruit bingo. A shout out to Marlene Zimmer who bravely made her way down our snowy streets to assist us! Black out winner this week was Dorothy Weisenbeck. Many of our folks stayed out for our mid-week social: Ice cream sandwiches.

Harriet Rothe joined us Thursday morning to read all the happenings from the local papers. However, it’s her “other” stories that keep us long after our donut is gone. We like to add a few of our own details to stories from our past. Lunch followed and mid-afternoon many of the ladies lined up for manicures. Gone are the bright Christmas reds and more pinks are being chosen.  Likely, a look forward to spring. It wasn’t long until Brad Richardson arrived with his delightful puppies. We so enjoy watching them grow each week. The smiles say it all as these darlings bring so much joy to each of us. Our evening finished with a fun game of Pokeno.

Friday arrived with the drummers in the dining room. Everyone loves the upbeat music and there are a few who always seem to have the last “word” with a bang on the drum. Polkas still remain the favorite, but we always end our time with a piece from an opera! Who would have thought? “A Merry Life” is our ending song with a super fun rhythm and lots of louds and softs. Lunch was served and a few folks helped Stacey put together bacon cheddar roll-ups for our happy hour snack. After chilling, the roll ups were sliced and served while Larry Radle played and sang many of our favorites. We enjoy calling out our favorites and sometimes he quizzes us on artists of each song. After the fun and festivities, we enjoyed the evening watching a comedy, “13 Going On 30.” As winter continues, we hope you will consider a jaunt down our way for a hot cup of coffee and a cookie. You won’t be disappointed! See you soon.

Plum City Care Center, Plum City, Wisconsin