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first name: Brady
last name: Penfield
address: 617 S Main Street
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To the editor,
As the potential next State Representative for Wisconsin’s 28th Assembly District, I do not support the new changes to Title IX perpetrated by the Biden administration. Specifically, regarding grievance procedures applying to complaints of discrimination on the basis of sexual identity.
This new stipulation will force students and faculty to affirm a falsehood by requiring them to refer to a student as a gender that cannot be biologically proven. Furthermore, it would punish those with the courage to speak the truth by not affirming the proposed gender of an individual with gender dysphoria. Not to mention, altering the education curriculum to fit these new standards would misinform our youth during the most critical learning periods of their life with biologically false information.
To a greater extent, the implications of this will be much more severe than just censoring the truth. It would open the door for biological males to not only participate in female sports, but also it would give those males the opportunity to enter female-only facilities such as locker-rooms and bathrooms. Otherwise, the school could be held liable for not affirming the gender of those biological male students. The implications of this cannot be understated. This proposed new policy is dangerous and it places girls in vulnerable situations and makes them susceptible to bodily violation and harm.
To date, there have been well over a dozen states that have filed lawsuits and are unwilling to comply with these new changes. If I were a legislator, I would be prioritizing adding Wisconsin to that list to ensure the safety and well-being of our children. We cannot give in to the Biden Administration's demands. Through the grace of God, we must stand firm in our convictions.
Brady Penfield
River Falls