Letter to the editor: Who to vote for

Posted 8/28/24

To the editor,

When I ran for state elected office in the previous decade, while doing doors and visiting with homeowners, when they told me they vote Democrat I asked some of them why. One …

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Letter to the editor: Who to vote for


To the editor,

When I ran for state elected office in the previous decade, while doing doors and visiting with homeowners, when they told me they vote Democrat I asked some of them why. One answer that stood out to me was “my parents were Democrat, and my grandparents were also.”

Sounded like an okay answer, but did they actually know the candidate and the platform/position of the person they were voting for?

I told them I believe in personal responsibility and people should work for a living if they are able to, and less government overreach. Did I receive their vote? 

The issues of today seem to be more pressing, so are the voters voting on the issues, the party they believe they hold allegiance with, or even the personality of the candidate? Do we realize what is really at stake? It’s amazing the number of people who do not realize they are supporting people who want to take everything from them. When I see one side pushing gender identity and the whole sports activity of men in women’s sports, as just one example, we are messing with our children’s minds.

When Ilhan Omar from Minnesota proudly says she supports the Pro-choice agenda, but her type of ethnic people won’t allow abortion for their women, do you start to see this is a population numbers scenario of more of them and less of others. 

As a lifelong farmer, being able to plant a crop of new seeds each year and watch it grow and then harvest, along with livestock when a new life begins and the mother takes care of the newborn and raises it. It is amazing! Whether you say it’s nature’s way or God’s plan, as far as I know every life form at some stage of its life will go to reproduce. As humans we have that choice. Once there are two beating hearts, the mother and unborn infant, there are two lives to consider. When did we say it’s okay to terminate because this will be an inconvenience?

I saw a short video recently, a reporter asked a woman to decide about woman’s right to abortion or democracy. After a while the woman chose right to abortion. My mother was a good role model for me, and she had told me numerous times that her greatest pleasures in life were the children she bore and helped raise to adults, a blessing.

So is this pregnancy an inconvenience or a blessing? Anything we experience and earn that requires much effort is often the most appreciated in our lives.


Mel Pittman 

Plum City

voting, elections, pro-life, politics, letters