New apartment proposed for Paulson Road

Posted 10/3/22

RIVER FALLS – The River Falls City Council approved a General Development Plan for a 101-unit multi-family apartment building on Paulson Road at its Sept. 27 meeting. The proposed location is north …

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New apartment proposed for Paulson Road


RIVER FALLS – The River Falls City Council approved a General Development Plan for a 101-unit multi-family apartment building on Paulson Road at its Sept. 27 meeting. The proposed location is north of Tattersall Distilling (1777 Paulson Road).

According to the council packet, a GDP is a conceptual plan that depicts the proposed land uses, lot layout, access, utilities, open space, landscape areas, location of structures, and densities of any proposed dwelling units.

The four-story apartment building will have a mix of unit types, not yet determined. The preliminary design shows eight studio units (541 square feet each), seven studio/alcove units (610 square feet each), 53 one-bedroom units (805 square feet each), 15 units with one bedroom plus a den (917 square feet each) and 17 two-bedroom units (1,112 to 1,198 square feet each). The building would also include stau ovces, lob by space, a large community room, dog washroom, bike workshop room, and three individual business work rooms. The first floor of the building will also include an approximately 4,500 squarefoot space for a future commercial tenant. The applicant is targeting several gym franchises as a potential tenant for that space.

The site will have a large courtyard with shaded canopies and trellis areas, lounge seating, grilling, game op- tions, outdoor fitness, and landscaped and dog walking areas. Residents will also share a secondEfloor common outdoor roof deck. Almost all units will have a 40-square foot private deck.

Access to the development will be provided via entrances on Paulson Road on the north and south ends of the parcel. The applicant also said the exterior design will complement the new Tattersall facility and other adjacent existing commercial buildings.

The developer is also proposing 71 underground parking spaces and 145 surface parking spaces for a combined total of 216 parking stalls, approximately nine spaces below the requirements. The project is estimated to cost $24.5 million.