CAMPUS News CVTC EAU CLAIRE – Three hundred and sixty Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) students received scholarships totaling more than $325,000 recently when the CVTC Foundation hosted …
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CVTC EAU CLAIRE – Three hundred and sixty Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) students received scholarships totaling more than $325,000 recently when the CVTC Foundation hosted its annual Scholarship Awards Reception on Wednesday, May 4.
College President, Sunem Beaton Garcia, said many CVTC students do not take a “tra
ditional path to success.”
“They face challenges and barriers that may interrupt their educational journeys, such as food insecurity, language barriers, lack of access to technology and financial instability,” she said to donors. “Your commitment and support to providing student scholarships cre
ates opportunities for students to rise about these obstacles. These scholarships change lives.”
The scholarships were given to incoming and continuing students and span a majority of the CVTC program areas.
Area award winners with scholarship names are listed below: Maiden Rock : Zackory Phillips, St. Croix Economic Development Corporation Schol
Prescott : Shanon Murphy, Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship; Maggie Phillipps, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship Continu
ing Student and Cammie B. Johnson Memo
rial Scholarship; Carson Stenroos, Betty Most Agency Residential Construction Schol
River Falls : Renae Flett, St. Croix Eco
nomic Development Corporation Scholarship and Robert Benedict Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Endowment; Samuel Kangar, Northwest Wisconsin Build
ing Inspectors’ Association Endowment Scholarship Residential Construction River Falls; Rachel Leonard, The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation General Scholar ship and Margo Keys Leadership Scholarship; Anna Lloyd, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship Continu
ing Student and Maybelle Brechlin Price Me
morial Endowment Scholarship; Lauren Ziebarth, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship Continu
ing Student and American Association of Uni
versity Women River Falls Scholarship Spring Valley : Victoria Butler, St. Croix Economic Development Corporation Schol