No Chevy, no levee: Reunionettes invite EHS grads to celebrate

Posted 8/15/22

ELLSWORTH – Imagine, It’s early 1972. Your mother is calling you downstairs to dry the dinner dishes she’s washed. “Just one more song!” you slyly reply as you set your stereo needle down …

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No Chevy, no levee: Reunionettes invite EHS grads to celebrate


ELLSWORTH – Imagine, It’s early 1972. Your mother is calling you downstairs to dry the dinner dishes she’s washed.

“Just one more song!” you slyly reply as you set your stereo needle down in just the right spot on your LP knowing that one song will buy you a full eight-and-one-half minutes of listening pleasure, perhaps even enough time for the dishes to begin drying themselves. The song? “American Pie” by Don McLean. The year? Although released in 1971, American Pie hit #1 in 1972 and remained the #1 U.S. hit for four weeks. Can you relate to this scenario? If so, chances are you were a teen during this time. Chances also are that you graduated in 1972 or there about.

While the Ellsworth High School Reunionettes plan no driving of any Chevy to any levee, they are planning the 2022 Reunionettes gathering to be held at The Ridgetop located at W10516 US Highway 10 between Ellsworth and Prescott. All ladies who graduated in 1972 or prior are invited to attend this event on Thursday, Aug. 25, at noon. Cost is $15 per person payable at the door.

What began as a gathering of 10 in 1935 grew to a gathering of 70 in 2021. The earliest graduating class represented last year was 1953. Likely those ladies are more familiar with the likes of either Perry Como or Eddie Fisher than Don McClean. No matter the ages or music preferences of the attendants, this annual event brings graduates together for an afternoon of food, games, and good conversation.

If interested in attending, RSVP to Karen Cernohous at 715-262-5504, Joyce Engnes at 715-307-3935, or Karen Meyer at 715-273-5949 no later than Aug. 21, 2022.

Submitted by Karen Meyer