NOTICE: Reports of blue-green algae, proceed with caution

Posted 7/11/22

Pierce County Public Health has received several reports of potentially harmful algae blooms in the area. Check out the tips below before your family or pets go swimming. 1. Don’t swim where water …

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NOTICE: Reports of blue-green algae, proceed with caution


Pierce County Public Health has received several reports of potentially harmful algae blooms in the area. Check out the tips below before your family or pets go swimming.

1. Don’t swim where water contains foam or scum.

2. Shower and wash hands after swimming in lakes, rivers, and ponds.

3. If you fish where algae blooms are present, be sure to clean fish thoroughly with fresh, clean water and discard the viscera (guts).

4. Keep pets out of soupy, green water or where you see foam or scum.

5. Rinse dogs off immediately—do not let them lick algae off their fur. 6. Look for signs near bodies of water that have information or advisories about harmful algae blooms.

If you think you are experiencing symptoms from exposure to harmful algal blooms, contact your doctor or the Poison Control Center (800-222-1222) right away. Please also notify the Wisconsin Division of Public Health by filling out their online survey or call 608-266-1120.

Humans may experience symptoms such as:

• Vomiting and/or diarrhea

• Headache

• Skin Rash Blistering Respiratory symptoms including cough or sore throat Animals may experience symptoms such as:

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Lethargy For more information, view https://www.dhs.wisconsin. gov/publications/ p02078.pdf Submitted by Pierce County Public Health