Pierce County Land Conservation Department developing sinkhole map

Documenting karst feature locations to better protect groundwater

Posted 6/11/24

ELLSWORTH - Sinkholes develop when the ground collapses into cracks and caverns that have formed below the ground surface. Formation of sinkholes is common in western Wisconsin because of the readily …

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Pierce County Land Conservation Department developing sinkhole map

Documenting karst feature locations to better protect groundwater


ELLSWORTH - Sinkholes develop when the ground collapses into cracks and caverns that have formed below the ground surface. Formation of sinkholes is common in western Wisconsin because of the readily dissolvable limestone bedrock near the surface. After heavy rains these features may be more apparent especially if soil and debris are being transported downwards into the cavern.

It is important that sinkholes are properly addressed because they act as direct conduits to groundwater which makes our drinking water more vulnerable to contamination from the surface. Sometimes remediation means digging to the bedrock and filling in the hole with rock using a reverse grading technique, directing water away from the affected area, or establishing a grassed buffer around the sinkhole to prevent further erosion. Marking these features for nutrient management plan maps ensures that when nutrients are applied to a crop field, they are not lost down a sinkhole.

Residents of Pierce County who suspect a sinkhole on their property are encouraged to fill out a small survey on https://www.co.pierce.wi.us/departments/land_conservation/sinkhiles.php or contact the Water Quality Planner, Retta Isaacson at retta.isaacson@co.pierce.wi.us or 715-273-6763.

Pierce County Land Conservation offers technical and financial assistance for soil and water conservation practices, farmland preservation, tree sales, deer damage claims, and other related soil and water conservation programs.

Submitted by Pierce County Land Conservation

sinkholes, groundwater, sinkhole map, Pierce County Land Conservation, Wisconsin