Jessica Mia Amundson, 33, Red Wing, Minn., operate without valid license, dismissed; possession of THC, $262.50. Ross Sidney Anderson, 24, River Falls, speeding, $225.70. Ronald Richard Borst, 53, …
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Jessica Mia Amundson,
33, Red Wing, Minn., operate without valid license, dismissed; possession of THC, $262.50.
Ross Sidney Anderson,
24, River Falls, speeding, $225.70.
Ronald Richard Borst,
53, Hastings, Minn., operate boat at excess speed, $232.
Brian Lee Brom, 54, St. Paul, speeding, $225.70.
Cody Michael Bui, 35, Bay City, operate without valid license, $200.50; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50.
Kristina Kaye Bundy,
35, Cottage Grove, Minn., speeding, $225.70.
Philip Martin Cain, 50, North Branch, Minn., speeding, $225.70.
Tammy Michele Cribbs,
54, River Falls, speeding, $200.50.
Alexis Jacey Diesing, 22, Maiden Rock, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Drew Benson Trucking,
River Falls, operate unregistered motor truck/tractor, $263.50.
Alexis Marie Dunford, 22, Spring Valley, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Isaac Peter Esanbock,
24, River Falls, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Matthew Douglas Filkins, 29, River Falls, operate motorcycle without valid license, $200.50.
Travis John Gester, 34, Anoka, Minn., operate boat at excess speed, $232.
Alexander Paul Giacomini, 20, Roberts, keep open intoxicants in motor vehicle – owner, $263.50.
Phillip James Gilles, 35, St. Paul, operate without valid license, $200.50.
David Alan Groothousen Jr., 33, Spring Valley, non-registration of vehicle/ auto, $175.30.
Carly Beth Haning, 31, Chanhassen, Minn., failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10; possession of THC, $263.50.
David Devor Harris, 30, Apple Valley, Minn., operate without valid license, $200.50.
Justin Corey Karloske,
37, Cottage Grove, Minn., operate boat at excess speed, $232.
Robin Ward Kinneman,
59, Hager City, illegally operate ATV or UTV on/in vicinity of highway, $232; ATV or UTV – fail/stop for law enforcement official, $452.50; operate off highway vehicle on public property where prohibited, dismissed.
Mataya Faith Kloos, 30, Hager City, operating ATV or UTV while intoxication, $452.50; operate ATV without valid safety certificate, $232; ATV or UTV – fail to report accident, $295; operate ATV or UTV with PAC, dismissed.
Blake Anthony Kroll, 28, Rosemount, Minn., non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Anna Elizabeth Kuehn,
22, River Falls, OWI-first, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment ordered, $811.50; operating with PAC, dismissed; Anthony James Langer,
16, Ellsworth, speeding, dismissed; possess drug paraphernalia (ages 14-16), $169.
Haley Marie Lewis,
24, River Falls, speeding, $200.50.
Adam Robert Meier, 39, River Falls, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Maxwell Louis Murphy,
24, Ellsworth, speeding, license suspended 15 days, $295; operate motorcycle without valid license, $200.50.
Moses Musemburi, 59, Burnsville, Minn., operate without valid license, $200.50.
John Stephen Nestler,
57, Ellsworth, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.
Manuel A. Paqui Guaman, 27, Hudson, trespass to land, $263.50.
Manuel Eliceo Paqui Guaman, 35, Hudson, trespass to land, $263.50.
Richard Jeffery Pitman,
18, Beldenville, speeding, license suspended 15 days, $358.
Carson Jay Quade, 16, Ellsworth, operating motor vehicle by probationary licensee with unauthorized person in vehicle, $200.50.
Nathaniel Forrest Ramthun, 27, New Prague, Minn., operate boat without valid cert. number, $232.
Carneia Roberson, 51, St. Paul, operate boat at excess speed, $232.
Alejandro Morales Rueda, 43, Cottage Grove, Minn., speeding, $200.50.
Richard Merrill Sanders, 74, Prescott, passing in no-passing zone, $213.10.
Nicole Kimberly Schmidt, 40, Hastings, Minn., speeding, $225.70.
Tessa Nicole Shields, 23, Prescott, improper left turn, 175.30.
Tavian Lee Siglar, 18, Trego, possession of THC, $263.50; possess drug paraphernalia, $263.50.
Dylan Marcus Spargur,
23, Red Wing, Minn., speeding, license suspended 15 days, $250.90.
Brittany Amanda Jean Staege, 34, Hager City, non-registration of vehicle/ auto, $175.30.
Jordan Jeffery Stensrud,
32, Bloomington, Minn., operate boat at excess speed, $232.
David Martin Stevens,
60, Pepin, non-registration of vehicle/auto, dismissed.
Phillip Gregory Thomas, 38, River Falls, speeding, $225.70.
Grant William Thompson, 38, Little Canada, speeding, $200.50.
Scott Gorden Tienter, 39, Minneapolis, operate boat at excess speed, $232.
Gabriel Joseph Valentine, 19, Prescott, speeding, license suspended 15 days, $295.
Grace Olivia Veranth, 20, Prescott, speeding, license suspended 15 days, $0.
Amy Lynn Warner, 51, Hudson, speeding, $225.70.
Nicholas Josiah Wetzel,
19, Fridley, Minn., possess drug paraphernalia, dismissed.
Robin Cheryl Wipperling, 66, Red Wing, Minn., speeding, $200.50.