Plum City Care Center Chatter

Posted 9/12/22

Everything is rhythm. Our breathing. Our heart rate. The electrical impulses in our brains. So there is a reason we begin our music slower and maybe even a little bit somber before picking up speed …

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Plum City Care Center Chatter


Everything is rhythm. Our breathing. Our heart rate. The electrical impulses in our brains. So there is a reason we begin our music slower and maybe even a little bit somber before picking up speed on an early Monday morning. We gradually find ourselves in a place contented and happy! It’s a super way to begin the week. The afternoon is busy with popcorn and then a lively game of bowling. Since it was Frances’birthday, and a spunky 97 years, we let her go first. Top places this week were: Nancy Bishop, third place; a four-way tie for second place with Frances White, Shirley Klinski, Milda Bautch, and Alvin Bergmark; and in first place, three points shy of a perfect game with two strikes and three spares was Lorraine Anderson. By evening we were fired up for bingo. The Berger girls are always fired up for a good time and never disappoint. Thank you, Joyce and Marie for assisting with set up and delivering candy rewards.

Father Jojo and Terry Pelzel joined us for mass and communion. We appreciate their weekly visits and bringing God’s Word to us. Soon after, we had a fun game of Name That Tune. Penny is usually our big winner, but she had other commitments so first place was up for grabs and everyone was eager to jump in with the correct answers. Scores were close but here’s how everyone landed: Mary Ellen Coulson in fourth place (11), Shirley Klinski (13) in third place, Carol Bauer (15) in second place, and first place finisher Barb Grewe (17)! Our afternoon filled up after mail delivery. First, our Resident Council met to review the past month’s activities and upcoming events. Soon after, the crafters filed into the dining room to make fairy garden globes. Everyone placed their mini homes, lawns and animals on the jar lid for gluing. We then filled the jars with water, glitter and glycerin and then popped on the top. More glue to prevent leaks and gave them a shake for the “snow”! It was a fun craft and everyone had a different “scene” in their globe. After the clean up, we welcomed Pastor Pfaffe for our weekly church time. Supper came and the evening was completed with a fun game of Uno.

With the coming of a new month, Stacey was out and about, visiting with everyone and delivering the September calendars, hot off the press! It’s always fun to check out the latest happenings. Bingo was first on the afternoon agenda. Wanda Ebensperger and Lana Ingli assisted with set up, delivery of fruit and candy for rewards, and clean up. Black out winner this week was Marlys Amdahl and Carol Bauer. The afternoon chilled out with a nice time of wine, cheese and crackers.

Thursday welcomed a new month and Harriet Rothe for our news and coffee time. The afternoon offered manicures and puppies with Brad bringing us a couple new batches of fur. Supper soon arrived and a few folks stayed up to play Pokeno. This week’s big winner was Alvin Bergmark.

Drumming started off Friday morning. Great tunes from the 40s and 50s reminding us of sock hops and dances! We could have “rocked around the clock” but lunch was on its way! The snack makers were busy after lunch mixing up some delicious caramel corn! Ron Pronshinske was our entertainer and he plays a fantastic accordion! Great toe tapping tunes! Supper was served and soon after we settled in for our Friday night movie. This week’s movie was an oldie but so much a goodie: “By The light of the Silvery Moon,” starring Doris Day and Gordon McCrae. Stop here next week to read all about our happenings. Or better yet, come visit us this coming week!