Plum City Care Center Chatter

Posted 9/7/21

Monday morning blues were chased away with music and singing. Even our “listeners” were cheered up by our singing! Lunch was served, visitors met, and soon popcorn was on the agenda for the …

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Plum City Care Center Chatter


Monday morning blues were chased away with music and singing. Even our “listeners” were cheered up by our singing! Lunch was served, visitors met, and soon popcorn was on the agenda for the afternoon. Many folks come down just for the conversation with the popcorn being a plus. Just before supper, we played our word game with rebus puzzles. One of our puzzles was: VICE + VICE. Can you guess the word? It’s “ADVICE!” These are lots of fun and really get our brains turning. Our evening included bingo. Thank you to Kathy Luebker and Teresa Fedie for assisting us!

Tuesday morning began with mass and communion for our Catholic folks. Father Jojo and Terry Pelzel arrived to lead us and made a couple room visits. Music trivia followed with many questions about songs from the 40s and 50s. First place winner was Penny Stafford followed by Mary Ellen Coulson in second place. Connie Kannel earned third place and Shirley Klinski had fourth place. In the afternoon, the crafters continued painting their potato jewelry. Everyone chose their own colors and mixtures as the pieces will be combined with colorful bead work in between. Next week, we will spray the pieces with a clear coat and prepare to string them. Just before supper, we enjoyed our weekly worship service with Pastor Karna and Tom from Pepin Immanuel Lutheran Church. It was nice to see and visit with both of them. The evening kept us busy with dice games. Shirley Klinski captured first place with Alvin Bergmark and Lorraine Anderson tying for second.

The Wednesday workout gang were up and at it with “Sit Down Dancing.” It certainly gets our appetites going and the music alone will make your toes tap. A quick game of “stretch and catch” with beach balls completed the morning exercise. Bingo brought out a bunch of our folks along with Wanda Traynor and Harriet Rothe available to assist. After three rounds of regular bingo, we played a game of blackout where each square must be filled. Our blackout winner this week was Penny Stafford. It took just a few minutes to pick up and soon we were slurping down banana strawberry smoothies for our mid-week social. M-m-m-m-m-m-m-mm.

Thursday is news day as we gather to hear about our community through the Courier Wedge and the Pierce County Journal. We are grateful that each paper regularly prints our “chatter” from the week. Lana Ingli joined us to read and after all the news, she shared some fun jokes. Lunch arrived with manicures to follow. Our ladies have become accustomed to changing colors quite often and it’s always fun to see what color they will pick. With nails dry, puppies arrived to sweet talk and pet. Brad brings delightful ones each week and we never know what breed he might bring next. Supper was served and our evening ended with Pokeno.

Drumming kickstarted the weekend festivities with rhythms and sticks. Our visiting puppy, Nugget, enjoyed the sticks too, until we pried one out of his mouth! Lunch was served and soon Stacey was busy delivering mail and making room visits. Mid-afternoon, the ice cream arrived for purple cows. No cows were injured in the making of them, just grape soda and vanilla ice cream. We listened to the accordion and guitar music of Jim Sexton while savoring this cold treat. Our evening game was “Cover the Number.” Big winners were Nancy Bishop, Lorraine Anderson, and Shirley Klinski.

The weekend kept us busy as well. Saturday was stormy so we all stayed in and played bingo followed by a game of bean bags. Winners were: Beryl Anderson in fourth place, Nancy Bishop in third place; Hazel Berger, Sandy Messier and Marlys Amdahl in second place; and first place champ Frances White. Sunday arrived after the storms and we enjoyed the outdoor smells of fresh rain. We are so happy to have had these latest showers. It was nice enough to play bucket ball outside in the afternoon. Harry Kincaid took first place followed by Willie Lindstrom and Sandy Messier in second place. We wish you a good week ahead. We hope you will tune in next week to catch some photos of our happy hour titled, “Rusty Rockers and Silver Foxes!” Is there someone you know in our home you would like to visit? Give us a call and set up an appointment time. We’d love to see you! (715-6472401).