Police Department Reports

Posted 3/14/22

ELLSWORTH Police Department Reports The following incidents were reported to Ellsworth Police Department March 7-14. Monday, March 7 At 11:16 a.m., police checked on a vehicle stopped in the roadway …

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Police Department Reports


ELLSWORTH Police Department Reports

The following incidents were reported to Ellsworth Police Department March 7-14.

Monday, March 7

At 11:16 a.m., police checked on a vehicle stopped in the roadway with its flashers on at Beulah and Main streets. The driver was standing outside the vehicle and told police the passenger had been smoking. Ash landed on her shoulder, causing a small fire on her shirt. She poured pop on it to extinguish it and denied further assistance.

Police received a report from a concerned citizen at 2:22 p.m. about a senior citizen who appeared lost and confused in the village. Police found her and made contact. She didn’t know where she was or where she was going and had no phone. The ADRC assisted police in making arrangements for the woman while her identity was investigated. Once police made contact with her power of attorney, he came to pick her and her vehicle up at 7:17 p.m. He was aware of her memory loss and had plans in place.

Tuesday, March 8

Officers responded at 8:31 p.m. to 160 Hines St. for a noise complaint. The suspect said he was just playing with his daughter.

Wednesday, March 9

At 2:39 p.m., a caller reported suspicions that someone had entered her mother’s house at 1217 Debra St. and taken items belonging to her to use. She was informed it was a civil matter.

Thursday, March 10

At 3:10 p.m., a resident at 404 High Point Drive who said he is highly allergic to cats reported a cat had entered his apartment. He needed help removing it. The cat was let outside.

At 4:42 p.m., a resident at 438 W. Church St. reported a possible cyber theft.

Friday, March 11 Jordan Salmela, 31, Minneapolis, was arrested at 3:45 p.m. at 310 W. Main St. on an extraditable warrant. Police also located a prescription bottle in Salmela’s front pocket that he said contained urine. Police transported him to Pierce County Jail.

Travess Raysor, 24, St. Paul, was arrested for possession of THC and possess drug paraphernalia after a traffic stop for speeding at 10:29 p.m. at Main and Broadway streets.

Saturday, March 12 Isaac Kauffmann, 31, Ellsworth, was arrested for violating a bond condition when police responded at 3:50 p.m. to 217 S. Piety St. for a welfare check.

Sunday, March 13

Officers responded to at 5:38 a.m. to the laundromat located at 137 N. Chestnut St. A man was inside and said he was rearranging and cleaning for the owner. He was told to leave if he wasn’t doing laundry, and he complied.

Police responded at 12:08 p.m. to 178 S. Chestnut St. for a property dispute involving a motorcycle and TV. Those involved were informed it was a civil matter.

At 6:11 p.m., a complainant reported that someone had thrown barbecue sauce and pop all over the driver’s side and roof of her car while it was parked at Final Final Sports Bar (305 W. Main St.) The damage didn’t appear to be permanent. She had parked the car there around 10:30 a.m. She was going to check with the bar to see if they had any video footage.