Prescott School District April ….

Posted 5/23/22

Prescott School District April 20th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Prescott School District Board of Education Regular Meeting April 20, 2022 APPROVED MINUTES Members Present: Matzek, Sizemore, Holub, …

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Prescott School District April ….


Prescott School District April 20th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Prescott School District Board of Education Regular Meeting April 20, 2022 APPROVED MINUTES Members Present: Matzek, Sizemore, Holub, Rudolph CALL TO ORDER by Board President Matzek, subject to section 19.83 Wisconsin Statutes @ 7:05 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center


Board President Matzek adopted the consent agenda. The consent agenda was adopted and approved.

Approved March 30th, 2022 regular board minutes Recommend the School Board approve the March checks as presented. March payroll checks 18085-18086, advice of deposits 900089899-900090422, general fund checks 60614-60885, activity fund checks 10177-10185, district wires 202100400-2122000556, district ACH 212200072-212200076 RESIGNATIONS

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Holub to approve the acceptance of intent to resign by Jordan Poirier, Special Education Teacher at the end of the academic 2022 school year. Motion carried.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Rudolph to approve the acceptance of intent to resign by Kaydan Geiger, 8th Grade Math Teacher at the end of the academic 2022 school year Motion carried.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Holub to approve the acceptance of intent to resign by Maddie Wagner, 6th Grade Language Arts Middle School Teacher at the end of the academic 2022 school year.

Motion carried.


Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Rudolph to approve the acceptance of intent to resign by Justice Lehman, 7th Grade English Language Arts Teacher at the end of the academic 2022 school year.

Motion carried.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Holub to approve allocation of funds for crosswalk signag installations in partnership with Prescott City (NOT to Exceed $20K).

Motion carried.

April 20th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Rudolph to approve the requests for Early College Credit Program for the 2022-23 academic year. Motion carried.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Rudolph to approve adding an extraCurricular Payment option for Elem-MIS Yearbook. Motion carried.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Rudolph to approve __________________________ Policies. Motion carried.

Motion by Holub, seconded by Rudolph to approve HP Health Care 3-year proposal to serve as PSD Health Care Insurance provider. Motion carried.

Motion by Holub, seconded by Rudolph to approve HP new dental plan, and be a self-insured option as proposed by Administration. Motion carried Motion by Holub, seconded by Rudolph to approve Administration’s proposal for a double-step increase on the professional pay matrix. This will include additional dollars added to the steps above 10-years of service for all currently hired and returning __________________________

school year.. Motion carried


Lisa Voisin from Baird Financial Services updated on next steps with regard to bond sale. She showed the Interest rate update with a 30 year lookback. She discussed the Referendum Financing Plan, she projected no tax impact for the Debt over 2021-22 and she gave the Board Action Timeline. Powerpoint presentation was used to show graphs and Illustrations.

Sara Dusek presented information regarding Summer School Registration. She explained how 80 classes __________________________ Grade and 430 students have registered for Summer School so far. Registration will close April 27th.

Michael Kosmalski updated on ___________________________ collaboration time is spent during early release. Mr. Kosmalski shared the questions and showed the answers with graphs. Mike Matzek and Tanya Holub will be available to help draft a family survey to send out early May to families. One of the concerns of continuing early release is the bus situation with St. Joes. Dr. Spicuzza will investigate and bring a plan to the table for the May 18th Board Meeting.

Mike Hoikka presented the next steps to investing in school buildings and securing the future. He gave Post Referendum status. He also explained the three phases of summer work, 2022-23 academic year, and summer and fall 2023. He showed slides and addressed how the bid process and timeline _______________________ in-house summer work and projects.

Kyle Igou proposed a Grade 8 Washington DC overnight trip for June 2023. He proposes to use EF as they have Inclusive Pricing (airfare, hotels, meals, tour excursions, etc), monthly payment plan, Prescott has worked with them before. He explained the requirements to be able to attend the trip, itinerary and the next steps.

Will bring the proposal back to the May18th Board Meeting for approval. Powerpoint Presentation was used.

Josh Fiege presented on the previously approved High School Costa Rica trip with new dates for June 2023.

He gave a brief description on what the student should expect and the requirements.

Will be presented again at the May 18th Board Meeting for approval. Powerpoint Presentation was used.

Steve Sizemore will be the Board Representative to CESA 11 Annual Convention to be held June 6th, 2022 in Turtle Lake at 7:00pm.

Dr. Spicuzza and his Executive Assistant (Maria Damiani) will email all Board Members by the end of this week, for them to RSVP on Board Representation at the May 11 Awards Ceremony and May 27th PHS Graduation.

Dr. Spicuzza talked to the Board regarding next steps to Board Seats that will occur in May. He did explain that Mike Matzek and Vicki Rudolph had ______________________________ in the day and all documents were in before the deadline.

Motion by Sizemore, seconded by Holub to adjourn.

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.