RCU Foundation announces support for UWRF Science and Technology Innovation Center

Posted 5/30/22

Donation names SciTech presentation room, provides boost to fundraising efforts RIVER FALLS — The RCU Foundation, a supporter of organizations and initiatives throughout western Wisconsin and …

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RCU Foundation announces support for UWRF Science and Technology Innovation Center


Donation names SciTech presentation room, provides boost to fundraising efforts

RIVER FALLS — The RCU Foundation, a supporter of organizations and initiatives throughout western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota, announced a commitment today of $100,000 for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Science and Technology Innovation Center (SciTech).

In acknowledgment of RCU Foundation’s support, the largest gathering space in the new facility will be named the RCU Foundation Presentation Room.

“The Royal Credit Union Foundation was formed to make a diuerence in our communities," said Tom Huucutt, secre tary of the RCU Foundation. “SciTech is critical to the success of area business and industry and will help train the next generation of science and technology leaders. The foundation is honored to support this important project." The state of Wisconsin is providing $111.73 million of the $116.73 million needed to construct SciTech. UW-River Falls is charged with raising the remaining $5 million for the project, where students from a wide range of majors will engage in immersive high-impact learning experiences in biology, chemistry, physics and the psychological sciences.

“All of us at UW-River Falls express deep appreciation to the RCU Foundation for its generous commitment to Sci- Tech," said UWRF Chancellor Maria Gallo. "We are honored to partner with the RCU Foundation on a project that positively impacts our campus, faculty and students as well as our community and the entire region." In addition to providing critically needed lab and research space, SciTech will feature the innovative University Business Collaboration Center (UBC2), which will actively engage business and community partners in discovery, innova- tion and talent development at UWRF. The UBC2 will ouer students increased internship, research and career opportunities while providing employers facilitated access to student talent, as well as faculty and stau expertise. The SciTech groundbreaking is planned in fall 2023. The project is expected to be completed in late 2025, with a grand opening and inaugural classes in January 2026.

For more SciTech details, including opportunities to support the project, visit https://www.uwrf.edu/scitech/ or contact Rick Foy, UWRF assistant chancellor for University Advancement at [email protected] or 715-425-4291.

Submitted by UW-River Falls