Saturday, Oct. 8 Fall ….

Posted 10/3/22

Saturday, Oct. 8 Fall Festival 2022, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Hoffman Park (547 Hanson Drive, River Falls). The River Church’s second annual fall festival features food, games, bounce houses and …

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Saturday, Oct. 8 Fall ….


Saturday, Oct. 8 Fall Festival 2022, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Hoffman Park (547 Hanson Drive, River Falls). The River Church’s second annual fall festival features food, games, bounce houses and prizes. All are welcome to this free event. Please consider bringing canned good for the RF Community Food Pantry.

Sunday, Oct. 9 Perfectly Prescott Craft & Gift Expo, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., The Old Ptacek’s Event Center (1449 Orrin Road, Prescott). Free admission and parking.

Thursday, Oct. 13 Friday, Oct. 14 RF Area Retired Educators, 11 a.m., St. Croix Bowling Lanes (1153 St. Croix St., River Falls). Presenter Karen Rodewald will speak about the “Among Friends” program. Also learn about the benefits of joining RFAREA and WREA. Anyone who receives their retirement through the Wisconsin pension is welcome.

RARE: Stories of Dis-ease Theater Production, 7:30 p.m., Prescott Performing Arts Center (1010 Dexter St., Prescott). Sod House Theater presents a play bringing attention to those diagnosed with rare diseases). The play is free with goodwill donations accepted. Attendees must pre-register at www. sodhousetheater. org/rare. Co-sponsored by PACT & Prescott Community Education.

Saturday, Oct. 15 East End Fall Festival, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., East Ellsworth (Broadway Street). Late-season farmer’s market, games, food and drink for purchase, live music, pumpkin painting, E-Town Collaborative grand opening and more.

Prescott Historical/Diversity Cemetery Walk,

11:30 a.m., Pine Glen Cemetery. Event begins with a light picnic at Veterans Park (by cemetery entrance), followed by the cemetery tour at noon. Sponsored by Prescott’s Building an All-Inclusive Community Group.

Prescott Inaugural Oktoberfest, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., participating Prescott businesses. Join in for a taste of Germany with German beer and fare. Pick up your card at participating businesses (Lucille’s, Philander’s, Muddy Waters, Kitchen Table, Scabs Place, Broadstreet, Prescott Roadhouse, Two Rivers and No Name Saloon) for a chance to win the grand prize drawing at the end of the event.

Sunday, Oct. 16 Harvest Fest & Agate Hunt, 1-5 p.m., Freedom Park (200 Monroe St., Prescott). The Harvest Fest portion is free, but there is a fee and pre-registration for the agate hunt; contact Linda at Freedom Park for more info on cost/registering at 715-2620104. Co-sponsored by Great River Road Learning Center and Prescott Community Education.

Monday, Oct. 17 Mississippi River Bluffs Chapter Pot Luck Supper, 5 p.m., Pierce County Historical Association (W6321 Main St., Bay City). Share memories of growing up in Pierce County at our “open mic night,” along with a traditional potluck supper. All are welcome!

Monday, Oct. 17 Maiden Rock Area Community Association Annual Meeting, 6 p.m., Maiden Rock United Methodist Church (618 County Road S). 6-6:30 p.m. is social time and refreshments, followed by a short business meeting and three speakers: Plum City Library Director Jenna Beyer will speak about her vision for the library/ Julie Huebel and Onee Butts of the Pierce County Historical Association will show a presentation of Fred Johnson’s photos of the village.

Thursday, Oct. 20 Cookbook Club, 6:30 p.m., Plum City Public Library (611 Main St.) A potluck with recipes chosen from the monthly cookbook choice. September: “Apple – Recipes from the Orchard.”

Friday, Oct. 21 Spooktacular Halloween Party, 7:30 p.m., The Old Ptacek’s Event Center (1449 Orrin Road, Prescott). Adults only inaugural Halloween costume party benefiting Fairy Wonderland Park. Costume contest, tarot card/palm reader, booze walk, 50/50 raffle, auction, DJ, cash bar, light snacks and much more. Tickets on sale at http://Fairy-Wonderland- Halloween- Party. for $35, or $45 at the door.

Saturday, Oct. 22 Pumpkin in the Park, 10 a.m., East End Park, Ellsworth.

RF Sunshine Fund Chicken Fry, 4-7 p.m., River Falls American Legion (701 N. Main St.) The RF Sunshine Fund is partnering with the RF American Legion to host its famous chicken fry. You can purchase tickets at River Falls State Bank, First National Bank of River Falls and Jen Rivard State Farm office.

Ladies Night Out, 4-8 p.m., downtown River Falls. Enjoy shopping, pampering, refreshments, good and more from participating businesses.