SDRF earns ‘Exceeds Expectations’ rating on 2023-24 DPI Report Card

Posted 12/4/24

The School District of River Falls received an “Exceeds Expectations” school report card rating from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for the 2023-24 school year.

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SDRF earns ‘Exceeds Expectations’ rating on 2023-24 DPI Report Card


The School District of River Falls received an “Exceeds Expectations” school report card rating from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for the 2023-24 school year.

The annual school report card evaluates achievement, growth, target group outcomes based on proficiency in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics on annual state assessments. In addition, the report card measures attendance, graduation rates, and other educational milestones that predict postsecondary success.

The “Exceeds Expectations,” or 4-star rating, is the second highest designation for a school district. The School District of River Falls also received a 4-star rating in 2021-22 and 2022-23 and continues to perform above the state average in all report card measurement areas.

This achievement score places the district above 83.4% of all other districts in the state, while its growth score is equal to or exceeds 65.3%. For the 2023-24 school year, all six rated schools in the district received either an "Exceeds Expectations" or "Meets Expectations" rating.

The school district uses school report card data, along with other student performance indicators to review and revise curriculum and instructional strategies on a regular basis.

“Through authentic teacher collaboration, high quality instructional practices, guaranteed and viable curriculum, and an exceptional staff, we will continue to prioritize academic growth for all students while supporting their individual college and career goals,” said Academic Services Co-Director MaryBeth Elliott.

The state School Report Card can be found on the district website: About the School District of River Falls

The School District of River Falls strives to inspire all students through challenging, meaningful, and engaging learning experiences, in a safe and collaborative environment.

Submitted by School District of River Falls

School District of River Falls, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, report card