The volunteers make the fair a success

Posted 8/15/22

To the editor, After participating in my 48th Pierce Coun – ty Fair in 2022, I arrived home with my rib – bons and thought about ALL the people who have made this fair so successful for …

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The volunteers make the fair a success


To the editor,

After participating in my 48th Pierce Coun –

ty Fair in 2022, I arrived home with my rib – bons and thought about ALL the people who have made this fair so successful for the past 100 years … the volunteers! These volunteers are the heart of our fair. From the 4-H club leaders and parents, the open class and jr. fair superintendents, folks working in the church food stands to feed the fair goers, and to all the open class and 4-H exhibitors … if these wonderful people didn’t participate, we would not have the fair we have.

I have been very fortunate over the years to

be a 4-H exhibitor, 4-H club leader, an Explor – ing/ Cloverbud superintendent, an open class exhibitor and work in the Pierce County 4-H ovce. Since 1974 I have had the privilege to work with, have as mentors and have developed life-long friendships with many of these volunteers. Thank you to all those volunteers who continue to give their time and talents to all the county fairs in the USA, but especially to those in Pierce County. THANK YOU!

Beth Ingli Elmwood