Traffic and Forfeitures

Posted 4/25/22

PIERCE COUNTY Claire Louise Anderson, 20, Stillwater, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50. BH Trucking LLC, St. Anthony, Minn., fail/ mark motor carrier vehicle, $200.50. Anthony E. …

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Traffic and Forfeitures



Claire Louise Anderson,

20, Stillwater, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

BH Trucking LLC,

St. Anthony, Minn., fail/ mark motor carrier vehicle, $200.50.

Anthony E. Barber, 41, Beldenville, fail/stop at stop sign, $175.30.

Arianna Raelene Beranek, 18, Schofield, under age drinking/possess – 17– 20, $263.50.

Joshua Cliuord Bur gess, 20, Roberts, underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Isabella Rose Ciolkosz,

19, Mankato, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Luigi Maresch Dellessio,

20, Cottage Grove, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Josie Amber Gross, 29, Maiden Rock, possession of THC, dismissed; OWI-first, license revoked six months, alcohol assessment ordered, $811.50.

Charles Cornelius Henning, 73, River Falls, operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance, $10.

Anamarie Rose Hunter- Schell, 19, Waupaca, underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Erik Elijah Krauss,

19, Little Chute, underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Sydney Leigh Kroyer,

19, River Falls, underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Kayla Louise Loverude,

33, Durand, non-registration of vehicle/auto, dismissed.

Savannah Rose Lynch,

19, Green Bay, underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Kayla Marie McKane,

20, Maplewood, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Nathan Michael McRoberts, 16, Hager City, park – area reserved/physically disabled, $264.50.

Samantha Faye Nogosek, 19, Rochester, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Tyler Jadon O’Keefe, 18, Hudson, underage drinking/ possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Jordan Lee Renn, 19, Hartland, underage drinking/ possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Ciro Romero, 20, Ellsworth, operate without valid license, $200.50; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50.

Aleck John Ross, 17, Prescott, possess marijuana on state land, dismissed.

James Michael Saunders, 35, Hopkins, Minn.,

speeding, $200.50.

Shayla Ray Shauer, 20, Woodbury, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Emma Faith Sprague,

19, Colfax, underage drinking/ possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Patrick Dale Sullivan,

25, Bay City, speeding, $175.30.

Jeurey Harold Thomp son,

56, Spring Valley, operating while suspended, $200.50.

Scout Leslie Thorstenson, 19, Sartell, Minn., underage drinking/possess –

17-20, $263.50.

Rebecca Lynn Waldvogel, 68, Plum City, operate after revocation/suspension of registration, $175.30; operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50.

Matthew Mark Walton,

20, West Lakeland, Minn., underage drinking/possess – 17-20, $263.50.

Gerald Patrick Wiggin,

76, St. Paul, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50.