Traffic and Forfeitures

Posted 1/10/22

PIERCE COUNTY Lucas Michael Anderson, 18, Cumberland, speeding, $225.70. Corey Steven Bates, 30, Elmwood, fail/stop at stop sign, $175.30. Thomas Gabriel Brown, 31, Ellsworth, violation of child …

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Traffic and Forfeitures



Lucas Michael Anderson, 18, Cumberland, speeding, $225.70.

Corey Steven Bates, 30, Elmwood, fail/stop at stop sign, $175.30.

Thomas Gabriel Brown,

31, Ellsworth, violation of child safety restraint requirements – child under 4 years of age, $175.30.

Jeremy Stephen Chapman, 62, Brooklyn Park, Minn., speeding, $225.70.

Marcel Nigel Coker, 43, Wabasha, Minn., operate without valid license, $200.50.

Zhon Alfonso Contento Lapo, 47, River Falls, operate without valid license (four counts), $200.50 each.

Kimberly Ann David, 52, Shakopee, Minn., failure to yield right of way, $187.90.

Maya Anne Eckert, 22, Afton, Minn., non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.

William R. Gustafson,

34, River Falls, failure to obey traffic officer/signal, $175.30.

Kimberly Marie Haldane, 60, Prescott, fail/obey traffic officer – highway area, $213.10.

Alexandra Marie Hill,

22, Red Wing, Minn., failure to obey traffic officer/signal, $175.30.

Trevor James Holst, 39, Hager City, operate without valid license, $200.50.

Joseph Henry Jirikowic,

25, Prescott, speeding,


Claudia Michelle Johnson, 19, Prescott, speeding, $175.30.

Samuel Rojas Juarez, 29, Maiden Rock, failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10; operating motor vehicle without insurance, $200.50; operate without valid license, $200.50.

John Aaron Kahl, 37, Menomonie, unnecessary and annoying noise, $375.

Paul Leo Kelly, 82, Boyceville, speeding, dismissed.

Daniel Joseph Kirchner,

32, West St. Paul, Minn., speeding, $225.70.

Matthew J. Koziara, 58, Prescott, failure to obey traffic officer/signal, $175.30.

Pengfei Li, 31, Hudson, speeding, $225.70.

Alfonso Lopez, 43, River Falls, operate without valid license, $200.50.

Marco E. Macas-Puchaicela, 42, Baldwin, operate without valid license (two counts), $200.50.

Jason Timothy Maser,

24, River Falls, speeding, $175.30.

Meagan Marie Moga, 20, River Falls, failure to obey traffic officer/signal, $175.30.

Timothy Lee Niedfeldt,

65, Hager City, failure to keep vehicle under control, $213.10.

Jessica Lynn Nitchals,

39, Red Wing, Minn., operate without valid license,


Adam Wayne Pavel, 34, River Falls, operate without valid license, $200.50.

William David Perry, 59, Prescott, fail/obey traffic officer – highway area, $213.10.

Eric Thomas Pittman,

38, Stockholm, fail/stop at stop sign, $175.30.

Jamiah Keith Porter, 23, Winnebago, Neb., operate without valid license, $200.50.

Dean Frederick Potts,

71, Maiden Rock, operating left of center, $213.10.

Nels David Raisanen, 18, Rockford, Minn., speeding, license suspended 15 days, $452.50.

Feliciano Tzanahua Romero, 24, Ellsworth, operate without valid license, $200.50.

Melissa Nicole Savage,

25, Red Wing, Minn., operate without valid license, $200.50.

Kenneth Edgar Staeheli,

60, Bonita Springs, Fla., failure to obey traffic officer/signal, $175.30.

Summer Stewart, 54, Prescott, fail/obey traffic officer – highway area, $213.10.

Joseph Daniel Toivola,

49, Red Wing, Minn., refuse to take test for intoxication after arrest, dismissed.

Ryan Ronald Walther,

33, Hager City, non-registration of vehicle/auto, $175.30.