Update to school calendar

Posted 1/30/23

SUPERINTENDENT’S Column BY BARRY CAIN School districts around our area of the state have had to make a number of adjustments to school calendars and snow day models with the large number of …

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Update to school calendar




School districts around our area of the state have had to make a number of adjustments to school calendars and snow day models with the large number of snow days already this year. To this date we have had eight school days affected by weather leading to cancellations of school or partial days.

As communicated previously, our school calendar had two days already built in that are now student contact days. With our latest snow day last week, we have also transitioned our scheduled teacher inservice day of Monday, Feb. 20 to a day of school for all students and staff.

As an added measure to address further snow days, we are also moving to a “Distance Learning Model” when possible for inclement weather disruptions. Middle school and high school students will be utilizing their Chromebooks to log on for the day, while elementary students will be provided with packets for the day. This is a model being utilized by many districts who have chosen to move to distance learning days. I want to make it clear that we do not see this option as providing the same educational quality as in-person instruction but the level of impact this winter is having on our school calendar has made this the best option moving forward in order to provide us with the greatest ability to avoid added days in June and disruptions to our summer school program.

We will also be adjusting our daily schedule slightly to ensure that we meet the state required minutes of instruction. Beginning on Monday, Feb. 6, the school day will begin 5 minutes earlier (8 a.m.) in all buildings. Morning bus pick up times will remain the same. These added minutes, along with the move to the “Distance Learning” days will provide us with the needed minutes for all buildings as mandated.

Below is a summary of school schedule and calendar changes that we are making moving forward: Monday, Feb. 6 – School start time will move to 8 a.m. Morning bus pick up times will remain the same.

Monday, Feb. 20 – School day for all students (was a teacher inservice day) Monday, April 10 – School day for all students (built in snow day on calendar) Friday, June 2 – School day for all students (built in snow day on calendar) Distance Learning Days – Details provided for each building level by email on Jan.

Thank you for all your continued support and flexibility this year!