Posted 5/17/22

VILLAGE OF ELLSWORTH BOARD MEETING April 4, 2022 7:00 p.m. 130 N. Chestnut St. Lower Level Boardroom (East Rear Entrance) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom. us/j/87433238198 Meeting ID: 874 3323 …

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130 N. Chestnut St. Lower Level Boardroom (East Rear Entrance) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom. us/j/87433238198 Meeting ID: 874 3323 8198 One tap mobile +13126266799,,87433238198# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,87433238198# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 874 3323 8198 Find your local number: https://

Minutes 1.Call to Order by Village President Beissel at 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Trustees Hines, Borner, Steele and Anderson _____________________________ trator Clerk/Treasurer Stewart, Police Chief Ladwig, Public Works Director Vicky, Library Director Meyer Others Present: Village Attorney Bob Loberg, 8 in person audience members and Zoom meeting participants Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

10-minute discussion limit on all agenda and non-agenda items per Roberts Rules of Order, the Village Board may suspend this rule if deemed necessary, no board action may be taken on non-agenda items 2. Approval of minutes – 03-07 & 03-30: MSC Borner/Hines to approve those minutes. Unanimous.

3. Approve payments and deposits: MSC Borner/Anderson to approve those as well. Unanimous.

4. Public comment on non-agenda items: Village President Beissel thanked Trustee Steele for his service to the Village of Ellsworth.

5. Comprehensive Plan Update: Village President Beissel provided an update on the town hall meetings from March and what the next steps in the project would be.

6. Human Resources Consulting Proposal between Village of Ellsworth and HR Strategies for Excellence, LLC: Administrator/ Clerk-Treasurer reviewed the proposal received. MSC Steele/Hines to approve that. Unanimous.

7. Set Board of Review and Open Book Date: MSC Hines/ Borner that we set Board of Review and Open Book date at are May 2nd meeting. Unanimous.

8. Dream Up Grant Opportunity: Village President Beissel provided an update to the Village Board.

9. National Library Week Proclamation: Village President Beissel read the proclamation and recognized National Library Week.

10. Ellsworth Senior Grad Night Donation Request: MSC Hines/Anderson that we continue to donate the same amount as we have in the past two hundred dollars. Unanimous.

11. Ellsworth Cheese Curd Festival Donation Request: Trustee Steele and Village President Beissel abstained from voting and discussion. MSC Borner/Anderson to approve a thousand dollars. Unanimous.

12. Lift Station Quote for Quality Flow: Public Works Director Vick reviewed the quote. MSC Steele/Hines to approve that quote. Unanimous.

13. Computer upgrades for the Public Works Department: Public Works Director Vick reviewed the proposed computer upgrades in the amount of $4,518. MSC Hines/Steele that we do the computer upgrades for the Public Works Department $4,518 and that it will come out of the Sewer and Water Fund. Unanimous.

14. Tool Cat Purchase: Public Works Director Vick reviewed the tool cat request with the Village Board in the amount of $77,198.56. MSC Borner/ Hines to approve the Bob Cat Tool Cat purchase. Unanimous.

15. Public Work’s Department Request for 4 Ten Hour Work Weeks: Public Works Director Vick explained the request. MSC Hines/Borner that we go to the ten-hour days, 4 tenhour days. =. Unanimous. The _________________________________ schedule would run from April 1st through October 1st.

16. Public Work’s Department Seasonal Help: Public Works Director explained that one person would be used for seasonal help and that an advertisement would be posted.

17. Spring yard debris cleanup dates: MSC Steele/Anderson for the dates of April 16th through April 23rd for Spring Cleanup. Unanimous.

18. Preliminary Scope of Street/Utility Work on Piety and Grant Street: Public Works Director Vick provided an update.

19. Planters Design on Main Street: Kayleen Jakes explained the request. MSC Hines/Borner that the planters design on Main Street move forward. Unanimous.

20. Village Hall Air Quality Testing : Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer Stewart explained the request. MSC Anderson/Borner to have a vendor come in and check air quality and get some quotes. Unanimous.

21. Committee/Commission meeting reports/recommendations: A. Plan Commission B. Board of Appeals – Reviewed the March 24th meeting minutes.

C. ETZ D. Water and Sewer E. Street & Sidewalk F. Salary and Labor – Accept Resignation of Of- ____ __________ ___ ____ ______ Anderson to accept the resig- _______ ___ ____ ________________ Unanimous.

G. Parks, Recreation, & Development H. Finance, Purchasing, Buildings -Reviewed the March 30th meeting minutes.

– Approving a bid for the Ellsworth Public Library BMO Bank Remodel Project: MSC Steele/Borner to approve the Market and Johnson bid for $908,700 after legal reviews. Unanimous.

– Recommendation on requesting funds be transferred from the Ellsworth Public Library to cover the project costs based on the bid recommendation: MSC Borner/Anderson to approve the transferring from library to village prior to draw payments. Unanimous.

– American Rescue Plan Act a. Project and Expenditure Report: MSC Steele/Hines for the Administrator to complete that report. Unanimous. b. Audio Architects audio and camera streaming project estimated at $28,000: MSC Borner/ Steele to move forward with the bidding and have companies come look at the space. Unanimous.

I. Public Safety J. Health, License, Welfare Application for Temporary Class “B”/ “Class B” Retailer’s License MSC Anderson/Hines to approve St. Francis getting all three licenses. Unanimous.

– Application for a Temporary Class “B” license to sell fermented malt beverages at picnics or similar gatherings under s. 125.26(6), Wis. Stats.: St. Francis School for April 23, 2022 for the St. Francis School Gala located at 244 W. Woodworth St. Ellsworth, WI 54011.

– Application for a Temporary “Class B” license to sell wine at picnics or similar gatherings under s. 125.51(10), Wis. Stats.: St. Francis School for April 23, 2022 for the St. Francis School Gala located at 244 W. Woodworth St. Ellsworth, WI 54011.

– Street Dance License Application for St. Francis School for license period of April 23, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for the St. Francis School Gala K. Solid Waste, Cable TV, Special Committee L. Cemetery M. Community Development Authority – Reviewed the March 24th meeting minutes.

22.Department Head Reports: Department activity/update A. Chief of Police Ladwig reviewed his monthly report.

B. Director of Public Works Vick reviewed his monthly report.

C. Administrator-Clerk/Treas. Stewart reviewed her monthly report.

D. Library Director Meyer reviewed her monthly report.

23. Closed Session: The Village Board will adjourn to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(g) conferring with counsel. Conferring with legal counsel who either orally or in writing will advise governmental body on strategy to be adopted with respect to current or likely litigation. The legal consultation will be on the property located at 245 N. Broadway Street.

Meeting will reconvene into open session to take or announce action, if any and if appropriate, and to consider other agenda items.

MSC Hines/Borner to go into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e) Competitive or Bargaining Reasons at this time. Unanimous after a roll call vote.

24. Closed Session: The Village Board adjourned to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1) (e) Competitive or Bargaining Reasons. Deliberating of or negotiating for the sale of lots of Crossing Meadows Business Park MSC Borner/Steele to go into open session. Unanimous after a roll call vote.

Meeting reconvened into open session to take or announce action, if any and if appropriate, and to consider other agenda items.

MSC Hines/Borner that we give the authority to administration to coordinate with Xcel on this venture. Unanimous.

MSC Borner/Anderson to ac- _____ ____ _____ ____ _________ Agreement Lot 1 in the amount of $125,034 from Controlled Environmental Farming. Unanimous.

25. Adjournment: MSC Steele/ Anderson to adjourn. Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by Nicole Stewart Administrator/ Clerk-Treasurer Posted at the Village Hall, Village Website, a nd the Ellsworth Public Library WNAXLP 5 18